Plymouth University Secondary PGCE Welcome to Plymouth University Secondary PGCE Mentor Conference 21/9/18 Matthew Wharf: Science Pathways Lead Programme Lead Jacqui Spencer: Maths Pathway Lead Kay Chapman: Geography Pathway Lead & ITE Futures Coordinator Tim Wightman: Art & Design Pathway Lead Jo Lock Smith: Drama & English Pathways Lead Heidi Barber: English Pathway Patrick Saturley: Music Pathway Lead Lilian Cheetham: Placements and Partnership Team
House Keeping
UPDATED DOCUMENTATION Observation form Lesson plan UPDATED DOCUMENTATION This was updated in light of the feedback from this same activity last year. ePDP Programme Handbook
How much should they be teaching? Page 6 of the Placement Handbook The modules will provide the opportunity for Trainee Teachers to try a variety of classroom approaches in preparation for the block practice in Practical Teaching 1. The main aim of the Practical Teaching 1 module is to provide a wide experience of working with pupils and a greater familiarity with the day-to-day work of the class teacher. It will enable them to come to terms with teaching situations, to gain confidence in their abilities as a teacher and ensure that they are making reasonable progress towards meeting the Teachers’ Standards. Trainees will be expected to build their teaching to approx. 30% of the week (7 or 8 lessons in a 25 period week) by the end of PT1. Contact time may be around 50-60% of the week, but give them time to plan.
Observation Form
Lesson Planning Form
Students can set up a template for each group Students need to use this form Now checking that students send lessons to teachers in sufficient time
Feed forward to next planning Push the importance of pupil progress right from the start.
ePDP Weekly Mentor Session Record PDP will be completed electronically via Pebblepad. Students will upload observation forms (all observations completed, at least 2). They can also upload lesson plans. They also need to keep a teaching file (electronic or hard copy) with them.
You will receive a Pebblepad invitation You will receive a Pebblepad invitation. You will need to follow the link and make a password. Click on guest account
Please be aware that the information in the PDPs is confidential You should see a view like this Please be aware that the information in the PDPs is confidential
Mentors and PMs complete assessor fields – Bullet points are recommended.
However - you do not need to input anything until the first full week.
Before they take over a class
Electronic resources Soon to be updated All documents will be available on the partnership website.
Any Questions? Thanks, Matthew Wharf