ASDA KWIK CRICKET 2017 Cambridgeshire Cricket Limited (company registered in England: company number 7805284) ASDA KWIK CRICKET 2017 School: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Contact: ______________________________________ Email: _______________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ Fax: _________________________________________ We wish to access cricket coaching: YES / NO If YES, please note down the best day and time (e.g. Tuesdays 1-2pm) _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ We wish to enter the ASDA Kwik Cricket Tournament (MIXED): YES/NO Please circle the number of teams you wish to enter at the Festival you would like to attend: Histon Tuesday 6th June 1 2 March Wednesday 7th June 1 2 Foxton Friday 9th June 1 2 Lode Thursday 8 June 1 2 Cambridge Tuesday 13th June 1 2 County Final is: Thursday 22nd June 2017 at Clare College Sports Ground, Bentley Road, Cambridge, We wish to enter the GIRLS ONLY Kwik Cricket Tournament: YES/NO Please circle the number of teams you wish to enter at the Festival you would like to attend: Cambridge City Tuesday 23th May 1 2 March Wednesday 24th May 1 2 Coton Thursday 25th May 1 2 County Final is: Monday 12 June 2017, 1pm, at Histon and Impington Recreation Ground All festivals will start at 1pm, with an approximate finish time of 4pm (excluding County & Regional finals. Please note - the end time depends on the number of teams & will be confirmed nearer the festival date Please note that the Cambridge festival will be held on Parkers Piece. If you haven’t already entered & you wish to enter the Cambridgeshire U11 hardball competition contact Ian Reid 07868 648811 ASAP. Please return the completed form by Friday 16th December 2016 to: Cambridgeshire Cricket Board, C/o The Cambs FA Building, Bridge Road, Impington, Cambs, CB24 9PH Tel:01223 233597 / e-mail –