An in-depth look into the phylum of the Animalia Kingdom Classification An in-depth look into the phylum of the Animalia Kingdom
5 Kingdoms Animalia Plantae Fungi Protozoa Monera
Phylums of Kingdom Animalia Porifera Coelenterata Platyhelminthes Nematoda Molusca Echinodermata Annelida Arthropoda Chordata
Phylum Porifera No nerves
Phylum Coelenterata Nerves Sac guts
Phylum Platyhelminthes Nerves Food tubes No blood Flat
Phylum Nematoda Nerves Food tubes No blood Round
Phylum Molusca Nerves Food tubes Circulation No internal segments
Phylum Echinodermata Nerves Food tubes Circulation Segmented Radial symmetry
Phylum Annelida Nerves Food tubes Circulation Segmented Longitudinal Segments No skeleton
Phylum Arthropoda Nerves Food tubes Circulation Segmented Longitudinal Segments Skeleton Exoskeleton
Phylum Chordata Nerves Food tubes Circulation Segmented Longitudinal Segments Skeleton Endoskeleton