DOE G-1 Research Aircraft Facility Instrument Summary November 5, 2008 Stephen R. Springston Atmospheric Sciences Division Brookhaven National Laboratory
Measurements State Aerosol Composition/Cloud Microphysical Properties Position, T, RFT, IRT, Dew Pt, TDLAS, Gust Probe, Up/Down UV, SRR (Shake, rattle and roll(sic)) Aerosol Composition/Cloud Microphysical Properties AMS, PILS, TRAC, LWC, Aerosol N, dN/d log Dp, CCN, sap, sap = f(l), ssp = f(l) Gas-Phase Species SO2, O3, CO, Organics
‘Back of the Envelope’
State Position – Trimble DSM @10 Hz, Trimble TANS Euler position @10 Hz Temperature – Total: Rosemount 200 Hz Reverse Flow: BNL/NCAR/SEA 200 Hz IRT: In optically thick clouds
State Water Vapor – LWC Dew Point Hygrometer TDLAS (~10 Hz) Gerber PVM-100, 200 Hz
State Winds, Turbulence (200 Hz) – Gust Probe, Accelerometer Other – Up/Down UV Irradiance
Aerosol Composition/Cloud Microphysical Properties AMS (cTOF) – Aerodyne Research Incorporated
Aerosol Composition/Cloud Microphysical Properties PILS – ~3 min cations: Na+, K+, Ca++, NH4+ anions: SO4--, NO3-, Cl-
Fine Aerosol # TSI 3010 (> 10 mm) TSI 3025 (> 3 mm) DMT CCNs (3 supersaturations: 0.2, 0.28, 0.4%)
Particles/Clouds Twin DMAs: 15-440 nm, ~1 min scans FIMS: 30-120 nm, ~1 s resolution Charger Separator Condenser Laser High Voltage 25 oC 10 oC CCD Butanol Saturated Sheath Flow x Aerosol Flow Geometry 22 nm particles (Kulkarni and Wang, 2006a,b; Olfert and Wang, 2008) z y
Particles/Clouds PCASP: ~0.1 - 3mm, 10 Hz CAPS: CAS: ~0.6 - 60mm, 10 Hz also Particle by Particle (204 individual every 0.1 s) CIP: ~25mm – 1.5 mm, 10 Hz
Aerosol Optical Properties TSI 3l Nephelometer Photo Thermal Interferometry
Folded Jamin Interferometer for measurement of aerosol absorption It is highly desirable to directly measure aerosol absorption & without interference from aerosol scattering Jamin head Sample chamber 6-in Aerosol Sample inlet Retro assembly 514 nm excitation Right angle prisms • Insensitive to rotation and tilt • Simple positional alignment • Common mode rejection provides increased mechanical robustness • Designed to fit into instrument rack PTS relies on the thermal dissipation of spectrally absorbed energy for its signal
Aerosol Optical Properties Radiance Research 3l PSAP Noise Characteristics of an Instrumental Particle Absorbance Technique Stephen R. Springston and Arthur J. Sedlacek, III
Example: tavg = 2 s (as recorded) tavg = 12 s (boxcar) tavg = 12 s (avg I, I0)
Gas-Phase Species SO2: TEI Model 43S, UV fluorescence ~200-500 pptv @ 4 s resolution Organics: PTRMS CO: VUV fluorescence ~1-2 ppbv @ 5 s resolution O3: TEI Model 49-100, UV photometry
Gas-Phase Species O3: Solid-State Chemiluminescence, BNL
After the Flight
After the Flight ~200 Mb/hour Processed to .pdf, .txt, and other Quick look ~3 hours, Preliminary post ~1 day