G kitchen What makes you special! RISER PROJECT G kitchen What makes you special!
Why you are special! First kitchen to be entered thru the same unit-no need to tear up a neighbor’s wall!
General information When you see floor protection then you know they will be coming to your unit the next day floor Protection will be placed from your front door into your guest closet and will remain until your unit is complete Work will be done from 8am until 5pm, Monday thru Friday it might be later if there is a connection issue Water will be shut off, in the kitchen, throughout the day At the end of each day there will be water in the kitchen
General information continued There will be a lot of noise When complete, the walls affected will be patched and prime coated Closet systems will be re-installed Ceiling to floor protection will be put up in the morning and removed at night. There will be no entry/exit to the unit during the day.
The lay of the land
Wall opening for pipe exposure Kitchen
Some positives… Cleaner water Hotter water Shut-off valves are Under the sink
Time line (using the term loosely) The first day the contractor makes the hole in the wall – starting on the 17th floor they will open 3 floors a day The next day the plumbers start working the plumbing and construction will take approximately 2-1/2 weeks All dates and times are subject to change without notice!
How to prepare Provide a copy of your unit key, immediately If you do not have a duplicate key – have one made All keys will be kept until after that riser is complete – you may not pick them at the end of each day Keys will be kept in the management office Remove any decorative key rings
How to prepare - continued Plumbers and contractors will be coming in and out of your units every day of the project If you have pets - who want to bolt out the front door - put them behind a closed door Put a post-it note on your door telling the contractor that you have a pet or pets (how many?)
How to prepare - continued All of these ‘Housekeeping’ items should remain, in place for the duration of the riser Remove all of the clothes in your entry closet Remove everything around your sink Empty your dishwasher Remove any wall art on the main entry wall, facing the door
Last, but not least… When we let you know you can retrieve your keys, look over every inch of the space that was being worked on to see if any additional contracting work needs to be done Run the water in your sink, if there is a problem let us know Run your dishwasher, if there is an issue let us know