GTR Corrections, Open Points, Expert Proposals and Confirmations in GTR 15 1/2/2019
Annex 1 WLTC 1/2/2019
Expert input required, e.g. H. Steven. Annex 1, WLTC (page 1 of 2) CURRENT GTR: 7.3. Determination of the downscaling factor The downscaling factor fdsc is a function of the ratio, rmax, between the maximum required power of the cycle phases where the downscaling is to be applied and the rated power of the vehicle (Prated). The maximum required power, P_(req,max,i) in kW, is related to a specific time i in the cycle trace and is calculated from the road load coefficients f0, f1, f2 and the test mass TM as follows: P req,max,i = f 0 × v i + f 1 × v i 2 + f 2 × v i 3 + 1.1 ×TM× v i × a i 3600 with f0 in N, f1 in N/(km/h) and f2 in N/(km/h)2, TM in kg. 1/2/2019
Expert input required, e.g. H. Steven. Annex 1, WLTC (page 2 of 2) This Expert Proposal from H. Steven. PROPOSAL: 7.3. Determination of the downscaling factor The downscaling factor fdsc is a function of the ratio, rmax, between the maximum required power of the cycle phases where the downscaling is to be applied and the rated power of the vehicle (Prated). The maximum required power, P_(req,max,i) in kW, is related to a specific time i and the corresponding vehicle speed vi (in km/h) in the cycle trace and is calculated from the road load coefficients f0, f1, f2 and the test mass TM (in kg) as follows: P req,max,i = f 0 × v i + f 1 × v i 2 + f 2 × v i 3 + 1.1 ×TM× v i × a i 3600 with f0 in N, f1 in N/(km/h) and f2 in N/(km/h)2, TM in kg. 1/2/2019
Expert input required, e.g. H. Steven. Annex 1, WLTC (mass) 7.4. Additional requirements If a vehicle is tested under different configurations in terms of test mass and driving resistance coefficients, vehicle L as defined in paragraph 4.2.1. of Annex 4 shall be used for the determination of the downscaling factor and the resulting downscaled cycle shall be used for all measurements. If the maximum speed of the vehicle is lower than the maximum speed of the downscaled cycle, the vehicle shall be driven with its maximum speed in those cycle periods where the cycle speed is higher than the maximum speed of the vehicle. If the vehicle cannot follow the speed trace of the downscaled cycle within the tolerance for specific periods, it shall be driven with the accelerator control fully activated during these periods. During such periods of operation, driving trace violations shall be permitted. EXPERT PROPOSAL (Heinz Steven): It would make more sense to replace vehicle L by vehicle H STATUS AS OF 22.09.2014: Entered in the GTR requesting comments < 31.10.2014. 1/2/2019
Annex 2 Gear selection, shift point determination 1/2/2019
Annex 2, Gear selection and shifting points, §1.4. 17.12.2014: CONFIRMATION: Paragraph to remain as is. Annex 2, Gear selection and shifting points, §1.4. TASK: Replace the term "range". 1/2/2019
Annex 2, Gear selection and shifting points Expert input required, e.g. H. Steven. Annex 2, Gear selection and shifting points 3.1. Calculation of required power For every second j of the cycle trace, the power (in kW) required to overcome driving resistance and to accelerate shall be calculated using the following equation: P required,j = f 0 × v j + f 1 × v j 2 + f 2 × v j 3 3600 + kr× a j × v j ×TM 3600 Where: . . . TM is the vehicle test mass, kg; TASK: This text is identical to the current GTR. What is the task? Expert Proposal (Heinz Steven): Prequired,j is the required power at second j, kW; could be deleted, if the amendments in red above can be accepted. 1/2/2019
Expert input required, e.g. M. Bergmann (this proposal and Annex 6) Reference to Annex 6, Test procedure, § Use of the Transmission: proposal from drafting coordinator GTR Text: Move § to Annex 2?? Drafting coordinator proposal: 20.11.2014. Move paragraphs § up to and including § on the use of a manual and automatic transmission from Annex 6 to Annex 2. 1/2/2019
Annex 2, Gear selection and shifting points CONFIRMATION: Published in paper WLTP-08-10e and approved at WLTP IWG #8 in Pune. Annex 2, Gear selection and shifting points 1/2/2019
Annex 2, Gear selection and shifting points, 2.(e) Required data CONFIRMATION: Published in papers WLTP-08-11e and WLTP-08-12e, and approved at WLTP IWG #8 in Pune. Annex 2, Gear selection and shifting points, 2.(e) Required data 1/2/2019
Annex 2, Gear selection and shifting points, 2.(i) Required data CONFIRMATION: Published in papers WLTP-08-11e and WLTP-08-12e, and approved at WLTP IWG #8 in Pune. Annex 2, Gear selection and shifting points, 2.(i) Required data 1/2/2019
CONFIRMATION: Published in paper WLTP-08-13e and approved at WLTP IWG #8 in Pune. Annex 2, Gear selection and shifting points, 3.2. Determination of engine speeds 1/2/2019
CONFIRMATION: Published in paper WLTP-08-13e and approved at WLTP IWG #8 in Pune. Annex 2, Gear selection and shifting points, 3.3. Selection of possible gears with respect to engine speed 1/2/2019
CONFIRMATION: Published in papers WLTP-08-13e and approved at WLTP IWG #8 in Pune. Annex 2, Gear selection and shifting points, 3.4. Calculation of available power 1/2/2019
CONFIRMATION: Published in papers WLTP-08-14e and approved at WLTP IWG #8 in Pune. Annex 2, Gear selection and shifting points, Additional requirements for…gear use 1/2/2019
End 1/2/2019