Sept. 12, 2016 (updated Oct 19, 2016) Program Reviews 2016-2017
Program Review Areas Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) Music Visual Art Drama Dance Media Arts Practical Living / Career Studies (PLCS) Health Physical Education Consumerism Career Education Writing Global Competency and World Languages (Global) K-3
PR Rubric Structure Standards Standard 1: Curriculum and Instruction Demonstrators Characteristics Standard 1: Curriculum and Instruction Dem 1.1: Student Access Dem 1.2: Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum Dem 1.3: Student Performance Standard 2: Formative and Summative Assessment Dem 2.1: Assessments/Expectations for Student Learning Standard 3: Professional Learning Dem 3.1: Opportunity and Participation Standard 4: Leadership: Support and Monitoring Dem 4.1: Policies and Monitoring
PR Reports/Scoring Due in ASSIST June 1* Only two PRs on which to Report this year (2016-17): Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) Practical Living / Career Studies (PLCS) Overall Scoring VPA – 11.5 points PLCS – 11.5 points Total – 23.0 accountability points “Required” characteristics are worth 2 points each, non-required characteristics are worth 1 point each. Add up the points of the characteristics you “met” and divide by the total number of points possible. If you earn 75% or more of the possible points, then you have earned the full 11.5 points for that PR area. When the PR diagnostics are available (in November), ASSIST will calculate the scores for us. No Rationales No Evidence Lists No Evidence Collection Rubrics are much less vague No more “To what extent…?” Now mostly questions with Yes/No answers
PR Assurances Q: When are they due? A: Not sure yet. Likely January 1. KDE will let us know soon. A: June 1. They are due with the rest of the PR in ASSIST. Q: Where/how do we submit them? A: Not sure yet. Maybe upload to ASSIST. KDE will let us know. A: The Assurances will be completed in ASSIST. The diagnostics should be available in November. Here’s what we do know: PR Assurances are currently in draft form. Will be finalized by mid-October. PR Assurances were approved by KBE in October. PR Assurances are checklists, all contained in one document. PR Assurances certify that your school is complying with all PR requirements. PR Assurances must be signed by the principal. PR Assurances must be approved and signed by SBDM members. PR Assurances are conducted ANNUALLY for ALL areas of the Program Review. PR Assurances are not scored. PR Assurances will be reported on the School Report Card.
PR Audits To my knowledge no Pulaski schools will be audited this year (2016-17) SWHS will receive an audit of their Writing PR in 2016-17 Principals receive an email from KDE to inform them of an audit PR Audits will continue for now. They are mandated by law. KRS requires that all schools must be audited every two years. Impossible! PR Audit process will likely change PR Audits are over only one PR area per school PR Audits are conducted on all PR areas each year There are no punitive measures for an audit. KDE can’t and won’t force you to change your score.
PR Work Plans Due June 1 in ASSIST, with the VPA and PLCS Program Reviews The Work Plan will be entered into a textbox in ASSIST. After you score your programs in ASSIST, you will identify the two lowest scored Demonstrators. You will write a one-page-or-less Work Plan on how you plan to improve the two lowest scored Demonstrators. KDE will eventually provide Work Plan examples and non-examples.
So tell me exactly what I need to do! Buy in. Enjoy the paperwork reduction and use the time to implement. Look for your staff members who are naturally inclined to each PR area. Use them to lead and generate ideas. Continue to emphasize each PR area school-wide. Continue to form committees to plan, encourage, and document implementation. One committee per PR area? One grade-level teacher per committee? (ES & MS) One content-area teacher per committee? (HS) But you said I don’t have to collect evidence! True. But you still need to have a good idea of what you’re doing to meet PR proficiency. In the event of an audit, you need to be able to talk about what you do. In fact, the biggest source of evidence for audit teams are interviews of principals, teachers, and students.