Alterations in mouse embryo intracellular pH by DMO during culture impair implantation and fetal growth  Deirdre L. Zander-Fox, Megan Mitchell, Jeremy.


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Presentation transcript:

Alterations in mouse embryo intracellular pH by DMO during culture impair implantation and fetal growth  Deirdre L. Zander-Fox, Megan Mitchell, Jeremy G. Thompson, Michelle Lane  Reproductive BioMedicine Online  Volume 21, Issue 2, Pages 219-229 (August 2010) DOI: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2010.05.001 Copyright © 2010 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Terms and Conditions

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of experimental design. Arrows indicate control conditions; dotted lines with circles indicate the presence of 2mmol/l 5,5-dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidinedione (DMO). Reproductive BioMedicine Online 2010 21, 219-229DOI: (10.1016/j.rbmo.2010.05.001) Copyright © 2010 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Terms and Conditions

Figure 2 Effect of continual incubation with 2mmol/l 5,5-dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidinedione (DMO) on intracellular pH at varying stages of development. 2-cell n=22; 8-cell n=14; morula n=16. Values are mean±SEM. ∗Significantly different from control (P<0.05). Reproductive BioMedicine Online 2010 21, 219-229DOI: (10.1016/j.rbmo.2010.05.001) Copyright © 2010 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Terms and Conditions

Figure 3 Percentage of cells exhibiting apoptosis in blastocysts after varying stages of DMO exposure. Control n=23; zygote to 2-cell n=29; 2-cell to 8-cell n=33; 8-cell to blastocyst n=25; Zygote to blastocyst n=28. Values are mean±SEM (three replicates). ∗Significantly different from control (P<0.05). Reproductive BioMedicine Online 2010 21, 219-229DOI: (10.1016/j.rbmo.2010.05.001) Copyright © 2010 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Terms and Conditions

Figure 4 The effect of DMO exposure on blastocyst gene expression. Values are mean±SEM based on four replicates with 30 pooled blastocysts per replicate. ∗Significant difference from control (P<0.05). Reproductive BioMedicine Online 2010 21, 219-229DOI: (10.1016/j.rbmo.2010.05.001) Copyright © 2010 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Terms and Conditions