Present Subjunctive
Indicative vs. Subjunctive Up to this point you have worked with sentences that are in the indicative tense (present, preterite, etc) and they do what the name implies: they “indicate” or “report” something. I know that you speak Spanish. The speaker is certain of something (that you speak Spanish) and is “reporting” it.
Indicative vs. Subjunctive In every subjunctive sentence, there is always an aspect of something that is not known (uncertainty) I hope that you speak Spanish The second clause of the sentence is in the subjunctive because the speaker does not KNOW that you speak Spanish and is not “reporting” that you do.
What is “subjunctive”? The present subjunctive is a “mood” in Spanish. The subjunctive conjugation of a verb is usually used in the second part of a sentence.
When is the subjunctive used? W - wishes, desires, imperatives E - emotions I - impersonal expressions R - recommendations D - doubt, denial, disbelief O - obligation/ojalá S - speculation
How to form the subjunctive.. “yo” form in present tense Drop the “o” Add the opposite endings -AR: -e -emos -es -éis -e -en -ER / -IR: -a -amos -as -áis -a -an
Forming the Subjunctive Subjunctive Verb Endings -ar Verbs -e -emos -es -éis -e -en -er Verbs -a -amos -as -áis -a -an -ir Verbs -a -amos -as -áis -a -an
Forming the Subjunctive Examples of Regular Verbs caminar camine caminemos camines caminéis camine caminen compartir comparta compartamos compartas compartáis comparta compartan comprender comprenda comprendamos comprendas comprendáis comprenda comparendan
Setup/Key Words querer (ie) = to want sugerir (ie) = to suggest These words, used in the first clause of a sentence, set up the use of the subjunctive in the second clause. What is said after these words may or may not happen, so the conjugation of the second verb CANNOT be in the present tense. querer (ie) = to want sugerir (ie) = to suggest recomendar (ie) = to recommend insistir en = to insist esperar = to hope ojalá que = hopefully / it’s hopeful
Subjunctive in Context To form the subjunctive there are three things that must be in the sentence. One of the “setup words”… sugerir, querer, etc.. 2. The word “que” 3. Subjunctive verb and a subject change
Subjunctive in Context Sugiero que tú estudies más. Setup word: I suggest tú: subject change que: that “estudies” = you study This is the subjunctive conjugation. You may or may not do it, even though I suggest you do it.
Subjunctive in Context Recomiendo que tú hagas la tarea. Setup word: I recommend tú: subject change que: that “hagas” = you do This is the subjunctive conjugation. You may or may not do it, even though I recommend that you do it.
Subjunctive in Context Ella quiere que yo viva en España. Setup word: she wants yo: subject change que: that “viva” = I live (subjunctive) I may or may not do it, even though she wants me to. Note: In English this would be, “She wants me to live in Spain. In Spanish the infinitive is not used, even though it sounds like it should be.
Ejemplos Ojalá que entiendas bien esta lección. (Hopefully you understand this lesson.) Insistimos en que ella llegue a tiempo. (We insist that she arrives on time.) Mi madre quiere que pongamos la mesa. (My want wants us to set the table.) ¿Sugieres que yo hable con ellos? (Do you suggest that I speak to them?) ¿Esperas que los Giants ganen el Super Bowl? (Do you hope that the Giants win the Super Bowl?)