Presented to the Big League Users Group by: Paul Covington Covington International Travel Maestro – the customer information system, CRM, and profile synch tool
Issues Profile synchronization Profile synchronization Existing products limited in scope Existing products limited in scope Online booking tool systems only work from that one product to the GDS Online booking tool systems only work from that one product to the GDS Add/delete/modify labor intensive Add/delete/modify labor intensive
Issues Marketing efforts were cumbersome Marketing efforts were cumbersome Customer information scattered in several databases Customer information scattered in several databases Manual updates Manual updates No way to target market No way to target market Took too long Took too long
Separate databases Profile information (GDS & MS Access) Profile information (GDS & MS Access) Mailing list Mailing list list list Clientbase (Virtuoso) Clientbase (Virtuoso) Globalware (travel history) Globalware (travel history)
Before Client Employee Apollo PAR Profile Database Client BASE+ ResxMail List Employee Manual Load Process 1st Load Only Updates Virtuoso Apollo PNR Client Changes White arrows indicate the direction of information flow. Under our old system, too many people were involved in a profile change – it took too long and had the potential for inconsistencies.
Recently we added a two-way data transfer with Rearden Commerces booking tool. Clients can update in Rearden, Maestro will receive the changes and update all other systems. After Client Employee ResxVirtuosoApollo PAR Apollo PNR Profile Database Mail List Client BASE+ XXX Rearden With Maestro, the client can update his or her own information using a web interface. Internal employees use a similar (but more comprehensive) web application to update information. Maestro then pushes the changes out to all other systems.
A Brief Tour
Employees use Internet Explorer to access information. As the agent types a name, Maestro presents a list of clients that match what has been typed. The agent can continue typing or select from the drop-down list.
Navigation: The main menu is in dark blue at the top, and sub- menus are listed below. Tabs help organize the information.
The tab lets us configure how the client wishes to receive itineraries, newsletters, promotions, and alerts.
The Forms of Payment tab is where we designate credit cards for airline ticket purchases, hotel guarantees, etc.
The Preferences tab lists airline seat, meal, car and hotel preferences. It also lists membership program numbers and status for air, car, and hotel.
This information is vital for targeted marketing. The Interests tab is currently configured to coincide with Virtuoso interests and destinations, but is customizable to your own agencys marketing tags.
The Marketing/Operations tab lets us designate marketing labels and contact sources. It is also where we specify how to interface to Apollo, Resx, Rearden and Virtuoso.
Traveler history lists three years of prior purchases. This helps agents serve the client, and helps marketing target an audience for promotions by travel spend.
The Unused Tickets section lists all the unused documents for the client: etickets, paper tickets, MCOs, etc. With the click of a mouse, agents can also see used and expired documents.
The Traveler Search section is where marketing goes to generate targeted lists of clients for promotions.
You can search based on all the criteria listed on this screen. In this example, we are searching for anyone with the interest of Family Adventures or Family Vacations.
The resulting list can be printed or exported in Excel, comma-delimited (mail list) or CSV ( /e-flyer) formats.
The Reports section allows us to produce a number of reports, either for the entire company or limited by the criteria choices shown here. Our example report is Unused Tickets for one corporate customer.
Reports can be printed from this screen, or exported in a number of standard formats.
Pleasant Surprises Never realized how many clients we booked travel for who never had a profile built. Never realized how many clients we booked travel for who never had a profile built. Used to rely on the traveler or travel arranger to fill out a profile form, which didnt always happen. Used to rely on the traveler or travel arranger to fill out a profile form, which didnt always happen. Now the agent fills out information as they do the booking. Now the agent fills out information as they do the booking. Phone number lookups let us tie inbound call information to specific corporate accounts and travelers. Phone number lookups let us tie inbound call information to specific corporate accounts and travelers.
Maestro Interfaces Inbound data from: Inbound data from: Agents Agents Clients (via website) Clients (via website) HR data feeds HR data feeds Rearden Commerce Rearden Commerce Globalware Globalware Outbound data to: Apollo Rearden Commerce Resx Virtuoso Standard formats: Excel, CSV, XML, PDF
Benefits Central source of client information Central source of client information Consistent data Consistent data Agents can focus on customer service Agents can focus on customer service Easier searches, including across offices Easier searches, including across offices Book me in that hotel I stayed in 3 months ago Book me in that hotel I stayed in 3 months ago Marketing has unprecedented access to data for target marketing (interests, travel spend, etc.) Marketing has unprecedented access to data for target marketing (interests, travel spend, etc.)
Benefits Operations can be proactive Operations can be proactive notifications for expiring credit cards, passports, unused travel documents, etc) notifications for expiring credit cards, passports, unused travel documents, etc) Labor savings (let the client do the typing) Labor savings (let the client do the typing) Speed to market Speed to market We can communicate with and market to our customers more quickly and appropriately We can communicate with and market to our customers more quickly and appropriately We can roll out new corporate customers faster We can roll out new corporate customers faster
Like the conductor of an orchestra, Maestro brings all the pieces into harmony, helping you conduct your business better!
For questions or to set up a demo, contact Paul Covington at