John Adams-Boston lawyer who defended the British soldiers after the Boston Massacre. His cousin is Samuel Adams and his wife is Abigail Adams. Delegate to the First Continental Congress. (2nd President of the United States)
Samuel Adams-Businessman from Boston, informal for gentry. Organized the Committee of Correspondence and helped lead the Son’s of Liberty. Delegate to the First Continental Congress. (rebellious against authority and rules)
John Hancock-successful Boston merchant, highly respected, organized and led the Son’s of Liberty. Delegate to the 1st and 2nd Continental Congresses. (1st to sign the Declaration of Independence)
Patrick Henry-Virginia House of Burgesses, in an emotion speech he said “I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.” (very dramatic) Delegate to the First Continental Congress.
Mercy Otis Warren-Patriot in Boston whose brother suffered permanent brain damage from a British soldier and wrote plays making fun of British officials. (early friend of Abigail Adams)
Thomas Jefferson-Young lawyer in the Virginia House of Burgesses Thomas Jefferson-Young lawyer in the Virginia House of Burgesses. For the 2nd Continental Congress he wrote in the Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking up Arms, that the colonists were ready to “…die as freemen rather than live as slaves” (3rd President)
Paul Revere-Boston silversmith and goldsmith, active in the Son’s of Liberty. Did the silver engraving of the Boston Massacre and alerted J.H. and S.A. that the redcoats were marching out from Boston.
John Parker-Leader of the minutemen at Lexington who said, “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon. But if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”
Israel Putnam-Commander of the Continental Troops at Bunker Hill Israel Putnam-Commander of the Continental Troops at Bunker Hill. They were low on ammo so he said “Don’t shoot ‘till you see the whites of their eyes.”
Ethan Allen-Blacksmith and militia leader of the Green Mountain Boys from Vermont. Along with Benedict Arnold, took cannons and ammo back to Boston from Fort Ticonderoga. Said while taking the Fort, “Come out of there you dirty old rat.”
George Washington- Delegate to the First Continental Congress George Washington- Delegate to the First Continental Congress. Named Commander of the Continental Army by the Second Continental Congress. Surrounded Boston with cannons from Fort Ticonderoga to force out the British Army.