BIG IDEAS Period 6 1900 - Present
Concept #1 The hegemony of Western Europe is broken by 1945 Replaced by The USSR & USA The Cold War
#2 International organizations became increasingly important
Nationalism continues to be important #3 Nationalism continues to be important Takes new patterns: Fascism, decolonization, racism, genocide, and the break up of the Soviet Union
#4 Political Revolutions continue to be a big deal: Now there are alternatives to western style democracy
#5 Social Reforms and Social Revolutions continue Changes in gender roles Peasant protests Spread of Marxism Religious fundamentalism
#6 Increasing interactions of societies created economic, technological, scientific, and cultural globalization during this era.
#7 Demographic changes: Decrease in populations living in western nations. Environmental changes continue as industrial and post industrial development reach many parts of the world.