Research – Using Chapters 7-8 What philosopher thought governments should be headed by philosopher-kings? What Macedonian king wanted to conquer Persia but died before being able to do so? Who was the chief god of the Greeks? Who is considered to be the “father of history”? The era during and after Alexander the Great’s rule was known as? What is a fable? Who were the three best known writers of Greek Tragedies? Whose armies spread from Greece to India/Pakistan? This Greek Poet wrote the Odyssey and the Iliad What are the two types of Greek drama? Who was the patron god(des) of Athens for whom the Parthenon was built? Who invented a method of teaching by asking questions? What is Epicureanism? What philosopher organized government into three types and influenced our style of government? What philosophy did not believe in absolute right or wrong? What was the name of Plato’s school What is the name of the book in which Plato described his ideal government? What is Aristotle's philosophy of the “golden mean” Why did Ancient Greeks visit oracles? Who wrote Elements which described plane geometry? Why was Socrates charged with treason? Who established that the Earth revolves around the sun? Who is considered the “father of medicine”, wrote a code of conduct for doctors Who worked on solid geometry, the value of pi, and lever/pulley? 1st to establish principles of geometry like (a2 +b2=c2)?