Sierra Company METL Assessment 28 April 2018
Overall Assessment Last Year This Year Academic T P Military Moral-Ethical Physical Fitness
Academic Assessment P Strengths Strong company academic advisor No major disruptions during ESP throughout all 4 classes Availability of advisors and officers for help Reduction in class absences from previous year
Academic Assessment - Weaknesses 6 academically deficient cadets 4 cadets with excessive class absences Cadets in academic danger could be counseled better 3rd overall in 5th Battalion Spring semester midterm GPA of 2.57 ranking 13/21 Video games and Netflix during ESP
Class Absences/GPA Cum GPA last year Cum GPA this year Cum GPA last year Cum GPA this year Class Absences last year Class Absences this year Number Academically Deficient last year Number Academically Deficient this year 1C 2.774 3.097 148 31 1 2C 2.992 3.265 81 60 3C 3.18 2.739 92 82 2 4C 2.703 2.837 50 38 3 Total 2.912 2.937 350 221 6
Academic Pillar Strategy Setting an environment for academic success Rotation of leadership checking on squads/platoons during ESP Find ways to help cadets learn and use effective study habits Using academic NCO to track cadets that use ASC/utilizing study groups Academic standing vs. special leave
Military Assessment P Strengths Weaknesses Cadets held accountable for actions Communication with Co TAC and BAT TAC NCO Overall respect for COC Weaknesses MRIs General laxity during parade practice 4 parades in 10 (8, 10, 7, 8)
Military Assessment Avg parade results last year Avg parade results this year Class I Offenses last year Class I Offenses this year Suitability Boards last year Suitability Boards this year 1C 12 13 1 2C 3C 3 4C Total 2 4
Military Pillar Strategy PSGs and squad leaders holding people accountable Communication and relationship with Co TAC and BN TAC NCO CAS accountability
Moral-Ethical Assessment Strengths Honor Code taken seriously Tolerant culture for gender acceptance Weaknesses Failure to report ongoing issues (i.e. alcohol)
Moral-Ethical Assessment Number of honor accusations last year Number of honor accusations this year Number of “in violation” honor findings last year Number of “in violation” honor findings this year Number of sexual harassment/ assault incident reports last year assault incident reports this year 1C 1 2C 3C 2 4C Total 4 3 0* 1** * One resigned in lieu of trial **Cadet was BT’d into Sierra
Moral-Ethical Pillar Strategy Maintain Honor Code training, awareness and emphasis Understanding of toleration of offenses Cadet need to come forward with issues instead of allowing them to continue (tobacco, alcohol, etc)
Physical Effectiveness Assessment Strengths Participation in Regimental PT Platoon Runs Giving leadership opportunities during PT Ex PL, SL, CPL’s Weaknesses Intramurals Attitude of a few bringing down attitude as a whole
Physical Effectiveness Assessment CPFT avg last year CPFT avg this Semester Number of CPFT failures last year Number of CPFT failures this year Number of H & W failures last year Number of H & W failures this year 1C 229 230 2 1 2C 256 248 3C 236 3 4C 245 244 Total 239.2 6
Physical Effectiveness Pillar Strategy Allowing more leadership involvement in PT Encouraging PSGs and squad leaders to run PT Platoon and squad lead runs Discretion of PSGs or squad leader
Company Commander/TAC Comments Co Cdr Comments: Morale hurt by leadership failure 2d Semester Leaders lacked moral courage in the barracks More dedicated time during re-constitution period for emphasizing Four-Pillar standards More cadet-to-cadet (C2C) written counseling as a training tool TAC Comments: Cadre was well-trained, and well-executed Current Co Cdr turned morale around leading by example Knowing the company’s culture and leaders was a factor in the speed in which he was able to do this PT improvement is a key indicator of his impact Leadership next year will face similar challenges