Professional Learning on the Foundation Degree
Dunne et al (2007) Research into the perceived benefits of undertaking a Foundation degree by teaching assistants identified the inter-relationship between changes in both personal and professional identity. As Dunne et al (2007 p.54) argue “the two intersect and lives are not compartmentalised into the professional and the personal self, but events that occur in one area potentially impact upon, and implications for, other areas”.
Penketh and Goddard (2008) An analysis of Foundation degree student narratives through the use of journal writing highlighted the integrated nature of their experience of the Foundation degree. It was difficult for these students to separate the academic experience from the social or personal aspects or their work contexts.
Emerging themes Transformational journey • Changes in thinking and understanding • Changes in values and beliefs • Changes in thinking about practice • Changes in relationships
Professional Development Think about your learning on your FD through the modules you have studied? How do you think this has influenced your workplace experiences? Have you changed as a professional? Changes in thinking and understanding; Changes in practice.
Three layer model of professional practice - Cable, Goodliffe, and Miller, (2009) Our Practice Knowledge, values and beliefs Knowledge we do not articulate What we do Visible Talking about practice, reading, new learning Explicit and articulated Observing others, own experiences Hidden assumptions of child development, culture and society
Changes in professional thinking and learning ‘Professional thinking includes the ability to reflect on practice and to make informed decisions through well conceived examination and analysis’ (Moyles et. al. 2002, p.5) “I am able to go out quite confidently amongst other foundation stage practitioners in different forums, for example last week I was at a moderation meeting over the foundation stage curriculum and I am confident enough now to be able to go in with other professionals and know that the knowledge, that the things that I am saying are supported by practice and theory.”
Reflections I am more equipped to communicate clearly with other professionals on a range of issues- particularly those viewed as ‘more expert’ than myself. I can question more effectively. At the end of the course, I can see how I am more secure in my confidence as a reflective practitioner. This has enhanced my professionalism and confidence about my practice. I now challenge the view of the practitioner as most knowledgeable and I now reflect on how I can build on shared understandings with child and parent.
Activity In small groups; think about your professional learning in these areas; Working with parents and other professionals; Promoting children’s learning and development Promoting children’s rights and child protection. Divide students into three groups and ask each group to look at one area and present back to the rest of the group