OECD DAC Peer Review of Austria in the Republic of Moldova
Content of Moldova Draft Report 1. Towards a comprehensive Austrian development effort 2. Austria’s policies, strategies and aid allocations 3. Organisation and management 4. Partnerships, results and accountability
1. Towards a comprehensive Austrian development effort Austria’s programme is coherent with its foreign policy objectives A whole-of-government approach is lacking There is scope to use ODA as a catalyst for private sector-led development
2. Austria’s policies, strategies and aid allocations Austria aligns to Moldova’s development priorities Austria is Moldova’s ninth largest donor More support is needed to mainstream gender equality
3. Organisation and management Delegation of political authority to the head of ADC is positive ADC’s human resources are well suited to the size and scope of Austria’s programme
4. Partnerships, results and accountability A project-based approach, implemented by a variety of partners Austria is a predictable partner; More effort is needed in the use of country systems The ADC office manages risks, but more support and guidance from headquarters are needed NGOs are key strategic partners Efforts are made to strengthen the focus on results and learning