Monitoring and Evaluation Module 11 Monitoring and Evaluation
Basic M&E Requirements of a Joint Programme Every JP Document should have an M&E Framework and an M&E Plan It should be derived from the UNDAF or Consolidated Appeal Process M&E Framework and Plan If the JP is rooted in the UNDAF, this should be derived as soon as the UNDAF framework/plan is completed The M&E Framework should define the impact, outcomes and outputs, with indicators The M&E Plan should schedule all major M&E activities and articulate how, when and by whom the results will be measured
Considerations for Developing an M&E Framework and M&E Plan All partners are jointly responsible for the M&E framework and plan Ensure the coordination of field visits between partner agencies for monitoring JPs Implementation of M&E Framework should be shared among Agencies according to thematic and geographic presence/capacity, suited to the purpose Existing data sources should also be used for measuring baselines and for tracking results The cost of M&E activities should be incorporated in the JP budget .
Before implementing a JP, review the M&E plan and ask: Who will do what? When will it be done? Where will it be done? How will it be done? How much will it cost? All financial inputs should be tagged for identification to the JP, for easy extraction of data
Evaluation of a Joint Project Five Standard Evaluation criteria should be used Relevance Effectiveness Efficiency Impact Sustainability Coherence and, management and coordination should also be considered
Evaluation of a Joint Project Using standard criteria for evaluation: Relevance Of objectives to local beneficiaries & consistent with international goals and commitments Effectiveness Have the invested resources achieved the desired result? How has the JP contributed to achieving the national agenda? How has the JP enhanced ownership and helped development of national capacity? Efficiency How has the JP affected transaction costs for the government and agencies alike?
Evaluation of a Joint Project Using standard criteria for evaluation continued... Coherence To what extent are: partners working together gender, HRBA & RBM understood and pursued in a coherent fashion? capacity development based on and pursued according to common analysis? Sustainability What is the probability of benefits accruing after the JP comes to an end ? Management and Coordination How well are responsibilities implemented in a complementary fashion? How well have the coordination functions been fulfilled? What have been the effects of the coordination/ lack on the programme?
Review of Annual Work Plans (AWP) JP Work plan reviews need to be performed The results feed into the JP SC for overall review and monitoring The results of the reviews are reflected in the UNDAF Theme Groups
CCA/UNDAF Planning Cycle Joint Programme Cycle JPs in Annual Report JPs in Annual UNDAF Review JP Reviews Implementation & Monitoring JPD, MOU, LOA signed JPs Modified/Established Mid-Term UNDAF Review JP Review s JPs/UNDAF Evaluation UNDAF Mid Term Cycle CCA/UNDAF Planning Cycle CCA IDENTIFY JP Agency Programme Docs Discussed at HQ Discuss JP with Donors/Partners Agency define Programme Formulate JP Joint Strategy Meeting JPs in Operations Documents Agency Ops Docs signed with governments Agency Programme completed UNDAF
End Module 11