The Truth about Tourette’s Syndrome FIRST SLIDE Your Title slide includes: 1) your title (topic), 2) your name, 3) my name, 4) Literature 5) the date day/month/year ex. 18 May 2013. Example of Title Slide: The Truth about Tourette’s Syndrome Jane Doe Mrs. Foster Literature 18 May 2013
SECOND SLIDE Your Introduction slide should introduce the audience to your topic for this PowerPoint slide show.
Slides 3-13 should include information you have learned about Tourette’s Syndrome. Make your slides PLEASANT TO VIEW. Make your FONT LARGE ENOUGH FOR YOUR AUDIENCE TO SEE FROM THE BACK OF THE CLASSROOM. Make sure BACKGROUND AND FONT COLORS make the presentation easy to see FROM THE BACK OF THE CLASSROOM. Text should be BULLETED POINTS not PARAGRAPHS-key words that will help you make your presentation. You may include pictures.
NEXT TO LAST SLIDE Your Conclusion/Summary slide should include your perspectives about your topic, a brief summary of what you found out from your research.
Your References slide should be written in MLA style Your References slide should be written in MLA style. It should include all works in which you found your information.