How do they effect one’s use of a VLE Go to ‘View’ menu > ‘Header and Footer…’ to edit the footers on this slide (click ‘Apply’ to change only the currently selected slide, or ‘Apply to All’ to change the footers on all slides). To change the image on this slide: Click once on the image to select it, and then delete it Drag a replacement picture to the placeholder or click the icon in the centre of the placeholder to browse for & add another image Once you have added your replacement image, you may need to put it into the background so that it doesn’t cover other items on the slide. Do this by right-clicking on the new image and choosing ‘Arrange’ > ‘Send to Back’ from the contextual menu Flippin’ Mobiles 02/01/2019 How do they effect one’s use of a VLE
Flippin’ Mobiles Have it your way 02/01/2019 Go to ‘View’ menu > ‘Header and Footer…’ to edit the footers on this slide (click ‘Apply’ to change only the currently selected slide, or ‘Apply to All’ to change the footers on all slides). To change the image on this slide: Click once on the image to select it, and then delete it Drag a replacement picture to the placeholder or click the icon in the centre of the placeholder to browse for & add another image Once you have added your replacement image, you may need to put it into the background so that it doesn’t cover other items on the slide. Do this by right-clicking on the new image and choosing ‘Arrange’ > ‘Send to Back’ from the contextual menu Flippin’ Mobiles 02/01/2019 Have it your way
The Flipped bit is the more tricky part. So many variables to think of VLE Forum RSC-E The Flipped bit is the more tricky part. So many variables to think of Device types Browsers Screen sizes Types of Tasks – Activities - Resources Staff/Student Skill sets
So many more variables to think of VLE Forum RSC-E So many more variables to think of Apps or Web tools Moodle Classroom Layout Direct or via VLE Course navigation. Support Connectivity Data allowance
Flippin’ Resource and Activity overload VLE Forum RSC-E Flippin’ Resource and Activity overload Avoid the Scroll of Death Navigation through the course Minestrone Soup Use consistent headings Reduce clutter Consider icon metaphors
Flippin’ control Right time right place Use Conditional Access VLE Forum RSC-E Flippin’ control Right time right place Use Conditional Access And Activity Completion Clear instructions Use description to say what you would say face to face No excuse not to know what to do
Moodle Classroom layout VLE Forum RSC-E Moodle Classroom layout Choose the Course format that works for you and your learners
Look and Feel Get the theme right Consider Bootstrap theme VLE Forum RSC-E Look and Feel Get the theme right Consider Bootstrap theme Theme or mobile App
VLE Forum RSC-E Look and Feel
VLE Forum RSC-E Look and Feel
Tips Learner Survey Have your own Play classroom VLE Forum RSC-E Tips Learner Survey Have your own Play classroom Test it with a Colleague as a student Test it on multiple devices Get feed back from learners throughout the course
Thank you Questions Stephen Catton VLE Forum RSC-E Thank you Questions Stephen Catton