Bioenergy System Synergies: The Case of Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies Gal Hochman, Robert Kopp, Ken Miller, Saketh Aleti, Vijay Appasamy, William.


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Presentation transcript:

Bioenergy System Synergies: The Case of Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies Gal Hochman, Robert Kopp, Ken Miller, Saketh Aleti, Vijay Appasamy, William Schmelz

Background Coal is one of the most significant anthropogenic source of carbon dioxide emissions. The pollutant damages from mining and burning coal cost about $343 billion to the U.S. public every year. However, coal sourced energy forms about 18% of energy consumed in US. USAEE 2018 1/2/2019

The map shows the coal production in 2013 by state Wyoming mined 39.5% of national production West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Illinois represented 30 % of coal production in the US Coal production USAEE 2018 1/2/2019 The map above shows the coal production in 2013 by state Wyoming mined 39.5% of national production Wyoming, West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Illinois represented 70 percent of coal production in the US The table shows the selling revenues and CO2 emissions Texas emitted the most and Alaska emitted the least The map above shows the coal production in 2013 by state Wyoming mined 39.5% of national production Wyoming, West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Illinois represented 70 percent of coal production in the US The table shows the selling revenues and CO2 emissions Texas emitted the most and Alaska emitted the least The map above shows the coal production in 2013 by state Wyoming mined 39.5% of national production Wyoming, West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Illinois represented 70 percent of coal production in the US The table shows the selling revenues and CO2 emissions Texas emitted the most and Alaska emitted the least

Bio-energy carbon capture and storage The implementation of bio-energy with carbon capture and sequestration (BECCS) has the potential to render electricity production carbon-negative. We first use the literature to characterize the BECCS technology Data from the United States Department of Energy on the annual electricity generation of power plants in the regions. We then assumed BECCS plants replace coal plants. USAEE 2018 1/2/2019

Biomass Biomass Biomass Biomass More specifically, we … Collected annual energy production data from PJM and Northeast Calculated annual CO2e emitted by current coal systems Determined annual functional cost of current coal fuel systems Calculated annual biomass feedstock necessary to replace coal Calculated annual CO2e captures through BECCS (for simplicity, assume 90% capture). Determined cost of implementation of BECCS system The PJM region a regional transmission organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia. USAEE 2018 1/2/2019 Atmosphere Atmosphere Atmosphere Atmosphere CO2 Capture CO2 Capture CO2 Capture CO2 Capture Biomass Biomass Biomass Biomass Geological Storage Geological Storage Geological Storage Geological Storage

Cost calculations (using the literature) Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) for conventional coal: $0.0951/kWh LCOE for BECCS: $0.1498/kWh Conversion of plants to BECCS would cost $0.0547/kWh The results show that BECCS would significantly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. USAEE 2018 1/2/2019

Annual Cost of Electricity Production Implementation would increase annual energy cost for PJM and northeast regions by nearly 58% USAEE 2018 1/2/2019

The three primary forms of CCS are pre-combustion capture, post combustion capture and oxyfuel combustion. USAEE 2018 1/2/2019

Various capture rates of carbon capture and storage technologies. The increase in cost necessary to install different carbon capture and storage technologies. USAEE 2018 1/2/2019

The second step was to derive our own estimates for the cost of carbon storage: Spatial representation of costs: Depleted oil fields & saline reservoirs USAEE 2018 1/2/2019

Capture, transport, storage costs (coal only): Depleted O&G fields + Saline reservoirs – preliminary USAEE 2018 1/2/2019

Availability of biomass waste USAEE 2018 1/2/2019

Third step: Regional computable general equilibrium model Learning model % Change of electricity cost via BECCS USAEE 2018 1/2/2019

Preliminary outcomes of the regional CGE model - continue % change of output relative to base year (No CO2 taxes) % change of output relative to base year (with CO2 taxes) USAEE 2018 1/2/2019

Preliminary outcomes of the regional CGE model - continue Change in electricity CO2 emissions overtime Change in output (Mil $) – with CO2 taxes USAEE 2018 1/2/2019

Bioenergy Carbon Capture & Sequestration: Preliminary results The pre-combustion pathway has lost ground to the post-combustion pathway Oxy-fuel capture technologies show much potential Co-firing substantially reduced the cost of carbon capture and storage The use of forestry and agriculture residue can result in BECCS yielding significant benefits, not only to the environment. However, more analysis is needed to better understand the synergies Assuming learning-by-doing, technology forcing can result in substantial environmental as well as economic effects USAEE 2018 1/2/2019

The authors thank the Northeast SunGrant Program for financial support The authors also thank Rutgers Aresty Research Center USAEE 2018 1/2/2019