Bellringer Tell me 3 countries that will be experiencing summer on December 21st.
Geography Unit—1 Part—3 Pgs.—34-37
Weekly Jobs At the end of each class students are required to make sure their group is clean and everything is turned in. #1-Turn in all work (Make sure group work is stapled and folded correctly!) #2-Wipe down all desks in group. #3 and #4- Clean up ANYTHING around your group’s area (paper, trash, etc.)
Before—Guess the Lesson End Before—Guess the Lesson
Guess the Lesson—Possible Answers Seasons Volcanos Magma/Lava Inside Earth Core
Learning Goals ALCOS #2:Determine how regions are used to describe the organization of Earth's surface.. Goal: Tell me about the internal structure of Earth.
End Read—Pgs. 34-35 Read through “Earth’s Rotation and Revolution” then STOP. EVERYONE Graphic Organizer *KWL* (Before reading, write down ONE thing you already know about the topic above. Also, write down ONE thing you hope to learn more about. After you read, list ONE thing you learned from reading the pages above.)
The Earth rotates around the Earth at a speed of 67,000 miles per hour. The Earth also sits at a angle of about 23.5 degrees, as a result, the two hemispheres receive direct sunlight at different times of the year. The exact moment in which summer and winter occur are called solstices.
The other seasons are called equinoxes due to the fact that both day and night are equal on these dates.
End QARs The start of the summer and winter seasons are known as what? The start of the spring and fall seasons are known as what?
End Read—Pgs. 36-37 Read through “Earth’s Complex Structure” then STOP. 3’s: Internet Researcher (Look up “Earth’s Complex Structure” on your phone using Google and find a website with ONE key fact pertaining to “Earth’s Complex Structure”. Also, list the URL or website address.) 2’s: Questioner (Write down three questions that could be used as test questions [Multiple Choice, Matching, True False, etc.] and their answers from the material read.) 1’s: Graphic Organizer *KWL* (Before reading, write down ONE thing you already know about the topic above. Also, write down ONE thing you hope to learn more about. After you read, list ONE thing you learned from reading the pages above.)
The Earth is primarily made up of 5 layers. The top layer is the layer we live on which is known as the crust. The next layers are the upper and lower mantle, and the outer and inner core.
The Earth’s crust is not one solid piece, it is actually made up of many different tectonic plates. The movement of plates has created the continents we have now, which is called continental drift.
End QARs How many primary layers are there on Earth? The continents are located on moving plates called what? When the plates on Earth move, what is it called?
QAR Answers The start of the summer and winter seasons are known as what? Solstices The start of the spring and fall seasons are known as what? Equinoxes How many primary layers are there on Earth? 5 The continents are located on moving plates called what? Tectonic Plates When the plates on Earth move, what is it called? Continental Drift