Varsaw december 8 and 9 Marine and water directors meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Varsaw december 8 and 9 Marine and water directors meeting A workshop on the synergies and differences between marine strategy and WFD Varsaw december 8 and 9 Marine and water directors meeting

Why? This workshop will be dedicated to facilitate exchanges between the Commission, the member states and the NGOs. It would help to highlight the synergies and the differences between the marine strategy and the WFD. Finally it should help to facilitate the implementation of both directives

Potential topics integrated management inland water /marine waters good status and monitoring programmes Reporting and data Public participation The topics should not be discussed today a steering committee will work more in depth on the programme

Some general informations - Date : June 2012 - place : France (Paris) - Duration : two half days - Format : plenary sessions - Target audience : members of MSCG and SCG for both directives (70 to 100 persons) The steering committee first meeting in february 2012