Green Initiative: Maryland Green School Recertification
Maryland Green School Awards Program MAEOE Philosophy: A hands-on, inquiry based, approach to learning and professional development that incorporates local environmental issues with environmental best management practices and community stewardship We are not certifying our building, we are certifying our actions
How does this benefit our students? Developing “well rounded” students Supports Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences- “naturalistic intelligence” Maryland Public schools require environmental literacy in their curriculums Developing 21st century workforce
What is Required to Obtain Recertification? Activities accomplished, for each of the 5 objectives, will be documented over the next 4 years. The objectives include: Demonstration of selected “best management practices” We chose energy conservation, solid waste reduction, habitat restoration, and water conservation/pollution prevention Sustained school-community partnerships to enhance environmental learning
3. Making Curriculum Connections At least 2 examples of Environmental Instruction per grade level with a brief explanation of how students are using the environment as a context for learning They can write an essay on the amazon in Spanish In math they can plot the growth curve of a population of geese
4. All staff is aware of the Green School application process. Majority (>50%) are engaged in EE activities that are affiliated with the school. At least 10% of teachers have participated in outside EE professional development.
5. Celebration Documentation of school-wide events Spirit week “green day” Community wide mass Earth day celebration