LING/C SC 581: Advanced Computational Linguistics Lecture Notes Feb 20th
Adminstrivia Announcement: I'm sick so this is going to be a very lecture Surprised so many of you submitted the optional homework 6 …
Homework 6 review Read the review paper: Zipf’s word frequency law in natural language: A critical review and future directions, Piantadosi, S. Psychon Bull Rev. 2014 October ; 21(5): 1112–1130. Optional Homework 6 Using Python and our ptb WSJ corpus, compute and graph frequency against rank Use pyplot In your opinion, does our WSJ corpus obey Zipf's Law?
Homework 6 review
Homework 6 review
Homework 6 review
Homework 6 review
Homework 6 review
Homework 6 review
Homework 6 review
Homework 6 review
Homework 6 review