Welcome to First Grade! https://vimeo.com/177234655
Absences/ Tardies Notes, emails, (preferable a note so I can have hard copy) If you know your child will be out beforehand please let me know. First bell rings at 8:25, 2nd bell rings @ 8:30. After 8:30 YOUR child is tardy and child “MUST” go through front office & get a tardy slip.
Transportation Each child now has an established routine of how he or she gets home from school. If, for any reason, your child must change his/her mode of transportation home, he/she MUST have a written note reflecting this change. If there is no communication, your child will be sent to their regular area for pick up.
Outstanding Patriot Behavior! Great Day Good Day Ready to Learn All students begin on the green “Ready to Go” Section. 1 Warning = Move Clip to “Think About It” 2 Warnings= Move Clip to “Teacher’s Choice” and individualized behavior strategy is applied. 3 Warnings= Parent Contact Each student is allowed to move up and down during a day. Think About It Teacher’s Choice Parent Contact
Rewards/Consequences 1. Verbally praise. 2. Decision Dollar 3. Notes/Call home. 4. Treasure Box 5. Special Privileges *reading with a buddy, extra computer time, lunch bunch, etc. Rewards 1. Verbal Warning 2. Move pin/5mins lost recess 3. Move pin/note or call home * Reflective Corner, Another class/Office, or referral Consequences
Planners/Homework Folder Student Folders: Parents should read and sign the box of their student’s homework folder daily. Parents can contact their student’s teacher by: Writing notes on the weekly behavior sheet or sending notes in the homework folder. Calling and/or leaving a message on the teacher’s voicemail. Scheduling a conference. Homework is given on a weekly basis. Due on Friday.
Grading Policy A= 90-100% B= 80-89% C= 70-79% N= 69 and lower Be sure to sign up for access to your child’s grades in FOCUS Grading Breakdown: Reading and Math Tests 80% Homework 10% Classwork ( including spelling tests and math quizzes) 10%
Communication/Conferences Sign Up sheet will be sent home First Nine Weeks-mandatory Communication E-mail Phone Newsletters
Volunteers Security Forms Trips/Special Activities (fill out volunteer form on line from school website) Requirements of a Chaperone
Have a great night! We are looking forward to a fantastic rest of the school year with your student!