Semicolon rules A semicolon can be used to link two independent clauses to connect closely related ideas Call me tomorrow. You can give me an answer then. Call me tomorrow; you can give me an answer then. I have a cat. Her name is Willy. I have a cat; her name is Willy. Link clauses connected by conjunctive adverbs (also, however, therefore) or transitional phrases (in addition, in contrast, in the meantime, etc.) to connect closely related ideas However they choose to write, people are allowed to make their own decisions; as a result, many people swear by their writing methods.
Colon Rules Colons in lists Don’t forget: clean the kitchen, do the shopping, and bathe the dog. Here’s the grocery list: eggs, milk, juice, bread, and fruit. To do: English essay, math homework, and write that thank- you note to Grandma. Colons separate one idea from another that follows: I know what to do with that cake: eat it. 9:15 (hours from minutes are separated) I’m soaking wet: I forgot my umbrella.
Semicolon Practice Correctly place the semicolon: It is raining outside I will bring my umbrella with me. Hopefully, the weather will change soon otherwise, the whole summer will go by without the sun shining. She had high grades in high school she applied to Harvard University. Answers It is raining outside; I will bring my umbrella with me. Hopefully, the weather will change soon; otherwise, the whole summer will go by without the sun shining. She had high grades in high school; she applied to Harvard University.
Colon Practice Correctly place the colon Two things are required in the city a good pair of shoes and an umbrella. My duties at PetSmart were, for example checking in, scheduling, labeling, cleaning up, etc. Answers Two things are required in the city: a good pair of shoes and an umbrella. My duties at PetSmart were, for example: checking in, scheduling, labeling, cleaning up, etc.
Comma Rules Connecting two independent clauses with a FANBOYS conjunction. For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So Sydnie wants to go for ice cream, but Tammy wants to go for frozen yogurt. Connecting a dependent clause to an independent clause using a coordinating conjunction Also, Although, If, When, Because Because Tory wanted to go the movies, she did extra chores for her mother. No comma if coordinating conjunction is in the middle of the sentence: Tory did extra chores for her mother because she wanted to go to the movies.
Place the comma correctly My estate goes to my husband son daughter-in-law and nephew. He walked all the way home and he shut the door. Having finally arrived in town we went shopping. Answers My estate goes to my husband, son, daughter-in-law, and nephew. He walked all the way home, and he shut the door. Having finally arrived in town, we went shopping. Is that really a comma that is needed here?
Comma Rules Place the comma correctly. The professor needed to grade essays catch up on reading and email her colleagues. The women went to see the new movie that came out this weekend but they forgot to get the popcorn. The softball players needed to practice fielding bunting and slapping. Suzy didn’t like strawberries yet she still ordered strawberry ice cream.
Answers The professor needed to grade essays, catch up on reading, and email her colleagues. The women went to see the new movie that came out this weekend, but they forgot to get the popcorn. The softball players needed to practice fielding, bunting, and slapping. Suzy didn’t like strawberries, yet she still ordered strawberry ice cream.
1. Share worksheet #1 answers with neighbor. 3 1. Share worksheet #1 answers with neighbor. 3. Complete Worksheet #2 over Weekend