Cinema Aesthetics
Effect? The film is shot almost entirely in real locations rather than on sound- stages or using green screen. This helps contribute to Chazelle’s original concept of making ‘an old- fashioned musical but grounding it in reality where things don’t always work out’. The director’s other aim was to create a ‘love song to Los Angeles’ and to romanticise the city in a way other films have done with more classically beautiful cities like New York, Rome or Paris.
Effect? The use of real, quite ‘unpretty’ locations like the Freeway 105 (opening), Mulholland Drive (Seb and Mia’s first dance scene), and the Rialto cinema (where they have their first date) This ‘grounds’ the film in reality, but...
The use of fantasy settings balance out the dreamlike nature of the characters’ ambitions
Effect? Consider how many scenes are set where the location blurs into unreality Mia’s job at the coffee shop is on a studio lot – a place of artificial buildings. Any other examples?
Effect? The choice of set and location dressing also combines the contemporary with vintage elements. …so the film seems caught (like the characters) between past and present. Nostalgic AND modern
Your turn Watch the opening scene What use of cinema aesthetics (style/film form) can you identify? What is the effect?