CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 15th meeting – 19/09/13 (all day) & 20/09/13 (morning) Agenda item 2.3 Preparations of a Commission Guidance Document on Natura 2000 and Hydropower
CONTEXT Hydropower challenge : Renewable energy targets – compatibility with Nature and biodiversity objectives and legislation Increasing information about potential conflicts -> EC intend to develop a guidance document to help MS to face this issue It was also some of several working groups' outcomes of the NBP. In order to set a Natura 2000-friendly hydropower development. REW website
AIM and CONTENT Addressed to stakeholders (including energy sector and environmentalist NGOs) and public authorities. Steps in authorising projects according to art. 6(3)(4) Facing issues related to existing plants according to art. 6(1)(2) Integrated planning and SEA Examples of case studies and best practices Take into account new developments and technologies Covering a wide range of situations within the EU Focus on Natura 2000 issues but take into account existing work such as on WFD.
PROCESS Written contributions from If needed ad-hoc meetings CGBN members (or designated persons by national coordinators) Members of the CIS under the WFD If needed ad-hoc meetings Final draft will be submitted to the CGBN and the Habitats Committee before finalisation by the EC It collected informatin and materials from MS and stakeholders and it is in contact with participants of the Sustainable energy week which took place in June in BRXL.
PROGRESS SO FAR Scoping exercise by Contractor (N2K) First draft of guidance document should be available for November Work is intended to be finalised end 2014 It collected informatin and materials from MS and stakeholders and it is in contact with participants of the Sustainable energy week which took place in June in BRXL. REW website
CONTACTS Contractor (N2K) : Jan Dušek - EC – DG ENV – Nature Unit : Ludovic Le Maresquier – It was also some of several working groups' outcomes of the NBP. REW website
Follow-up for CGBN members The CGBN is asked to take note of the state of progress and to comment on the suggested content of the guidance document and the suggested process. The CGBN members are invited to provide us with maximum 3 contacts for each country/organisation to be included in the "hydropower contact list". The CGBN members are invited to provide the contractor with any input they may have : case studies, example of strategic environmental assessments, national or regional good practices,… It collected informatin and materials from MS and stakeholders and it is in contact with participants of the Sustainable energy week which took place in June in BRXL.