Global empire In the second half of his career, Shakespeare also became a theatrical manager. In 1599 his troop (the Lord Chamberlain’s Men) built their own theatre, the Globe. In 1613 the theatre burned to the ground when the wadding for the cannon used to create special sound effects caught fire. It was, however, rebuilt with a tile roof the following year. A reconstruction of the Globe, built near its original site, opened in 1997. The official website of the reconstructed Globe Theatre is at What else can you find out about the Globe?
The Globe Balcony Housed the musicians; parts of the play might also be staged here Galleries Wealthier theatre-goers sat here Only partly roofed Actors and groundlings got wet in the rain Tiring house Where the costumes were kept Stage Most of the action took place here You may need to explain the term ‘groundlings’ – the poorest members of the audience who stood or sat in the yard to watch the play. For more information, visit the official website of the reconstructed Globe Theatre at Yard The groundlings stood here to watch the play Hell Home of fiends and villains, accessed by a trapdoor Circular layout Audience surrounded the stage
The audience Yard ……………….. 1 penny Wooden seats ……. 2 pennies People from all walks of life went to the theatre, from thieves and pickpockets to wealthy nobles. We can tell this by looking at the price list: Yard ……………….. 1 penny Wooden seats ……. 2 pennies Wooden seats (cushioned) ……….. 3 pennies Lord’s room ……….. 6 pennies