The simplest sugar test (with Benedict’s Solution) tells us if glucose, fructose or galactose is present in something. Remember nature sometimes combines these simplest forms into more complex forms: Suc rose Fructose Glucose = And the simplest sugar test (with Benedict’s Solution) can not tell us if SUCROSE is present in foods, and sucrose is a very common form of sugar. But….there is a chemical called SUCRASE which can digest SUCROSE And turn it into glucose and fructose.
Sugar Tests So how can you find out if there is sucrose in a food item? fructose glucose Experiment - Add sucrase Control sucrose
Sugar Tests fructose glucose With sucrase Without sucrase sucrose The simplest sugar test won’t detect sucrose But after adding sucrAse and digesting into fructose and glucose, now there WILL be a color change in the simplest sugar test.
Sugar Tests What if a food item contains sucrose AND simplest sugars? fructose glucose Experiment - With sucrase Control- Without sucrase sucrose It will pass the simplest sugar test in this case, so what can you do to see if there is sucrose there?
Sugar Tests fructose glucose With sucrase Without sucrase sucrose If there’s a mix of sugars, you’ll see a color change in the simplest sugars test… But if there was sucrose present, you’ll see a faster or greater change.