The Senses
etc collect stimuli, but your brain interprets the TRUE OR FALSE: You hear with your ears, taste with your tongue, and see with your eyes. False Your ears, eyes, tongue etc collect stimuli, but your brain interprets the Stimuli.
Sense: Hearing Ear Anatomy Pinna Outer ear Eardrum Amplifies sound by 3 bones: malleus, incus, stapes Cochlea Contains mechanoreceptors (measures pressure)
Sound Transmission 1) Sound waves (vibration of the air) enters the ear canal 2) Eardrum & the small bones vibrate 3) Fluid in the cochlea vibrates 4) Hair cells in the cochlea bend 5) Impulse transmitted through the auditory nerve and to the brain
Sound Transition Animation
Sense: Vision Eye Anatomy Cornea Protective layer of the eye Iris Colored part of the eye Contains muscles to open & close the pupil Pupil Size adjusts with light Small: more light Large: less light Lens Focuses light onto the retina Retina Back of the eye Contains rods & cones Optic Nerve Sends impulses to brain Sense: Vision Eye Anatomy
Vision Process 1) Light passes through pupil #3 #2 #1 1) Light passes through pupil 2) Lens focuses light onto retina 3) Photoreceptors (rod and cone cells) of the retina create impulses 4) Impulse travels up optic nerve to brain
The shape of the cornea can change where the light gets focused… that’s what causes near or far sightedness
Read the color of the text Read the color of the text
Cow Eye Dissection
Sense: Smell & Taste Nose Tongue Scent chemicals dissolve in mucus Impulse travels from olfactory nerve to brain Tongue Chemicals dissolve in saliva Chemoreceptors in taste buds creates impulse
Sense: Touch (Temperature, Pain, Pressure) Mechanoreceptors in skin sense pressure Upper layer: gentle touches Lower layer: heavy pressure Thermoreceptors (temp) & Nociceptors (pain) detect chemicals released by damaged cells Impulses sent to brain
Review Name the 5 senses. Label the diagram of the eye. Which eye part: Protects the outer eye? Contains rod and cone cells? Focuses light? Label the diagram of the ear. Name the three bones behind the ear drum? Name the bone of the ear that has hair cells. Which sense is: related to the optic nerve? related to the olfactory nerve? related to the auditory nerve? Which receptors detect temperature changes? Review