Article 4 Introducing the Holy Spirit... Spirit= Trinity...3rd Person Genesis...Spirit present @ creation as wind Spirit’s greatest work...New Testament=Incarnation
The Holy Spirit and Christ Spirit fully revealed at Pentecost Was always with Jesus...Spirit from God Nicene Creed states that Jesus + Holy Spirit = Action!
The Holy Spirit’s Mission Principle Agent of Christ’s Mission Reveals Mission over time Follow Christ- share in poverty, obedience, service, and self-sacrifice
Holy Spirit’s Mission- cont. Holy Spirit brings all people in union with the Trinity Unity among Human Beings also- but not complete Inspiration to Apostles to share the good news!
Article 5 The Day of Pentecost Pentecost: Origin...Jewish Festival- 50 days after Passover(Easter) Signs of the Spirit... Driving wind Tongues of fire Different languages
Day of Pentecost cont. Events fulfilled O. T. Prophesies (Joel 3:1) All languages understood Apostle’s speech Repent and be Baptized- to receive Spirit 3000 people baptized that day
Article 6 The Meaning of Pentecost “Birthday of the Church” Like a child’s birth... See the child for the first time even though it has existed previously God revealed as Trinity for the first time. Trinity is a central mystery of our faith (dogma)
The Age of the Church Pentecost- beginning of Church’s Mission w/o Jesus- Apostles take over in Jesus’ name. Jesus lives and acts through the Church Jesus fulfills promise made to disciples... “ I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20)