Unit Four Exercises on text
Completing the statements by supplying the missing words. (1) ______ are professional students of language and languages. linguists (2) Linguists insist that all languages and varieties of language are ______. That is to say, there are no ______ or ______ language. equal, primitive, underdeveloped (3) The reason for the spread of English worldwide are ______, ______, and ______ rather than ______. political, cultural, economic, linguistic
(4) The idea of primitive or underdeveloped languages is mistaken and linguists have proposed the notion of the ______, or ______, of languages. parity, equality (5) If a word of a language takes various forms, most commonly by alteration of an ending, to show its grammatical role, we say the language is ______. inflected (6) Languages change with time, as the needs of their users change, but change does not mean ______. evolutionary progress
(8) Standard English spoken with a Received Pronunciation is a ______. (7) The varieties that belong to the well-off and the well-educated are ______. prestige varieties (8) Standard English spoken with a Received Pronunciation is a ______. prestige variety (9) When people say that one variety has more prestige than another, they mean that the variety is connected with speakers who have wealth, ______, ______ and all that goes with those things. education, power
(11) ______ is a film adapted from Pygmalion. (10) The play ______ written by G.B. Shaw was originally a story from ______. Pygmalion, Greek myths (11) ______ is a film adapted from Pygmalion. My Fair Lady (12) Specialists in the study of sounds are called ______. phoneticians (13) Varieties or dialects can be ______, historical, ______, or ______. regional, social, individual
(14) It is possible to lean to read the English of a past time (14) It is possible to lean to read the English of a past time. The further back in the past the more ______ it is and the ______ it takes. difficult, longer (15) A ______ is the sort of English use which is associated with a part of society, that is with rich or poor, well or poorly educated. social variety (16) ______ and ______ varieties are connected. You can tell what region someone who uses the English of the poorer and the less well-educated comes from. Social, regional
(17) In English, “don’t”, “can’t” and ‘shan’t” are called ______. contractions (18) The language which is intermediate between that of their native language and that of the one being learned is called ______. intermediate language (19) ______ are students who have forgotten the early stages of learning a language. False beginners (20) ______ refers to switching from one language, dialect, etc. to another. Code switching
(21) ______ refers to any part of the lexicon of a language judged to be more basic in some respect than others. Core vocabulary (22) In scientific and academic writing the verbs are very often in the ______ voice. passive (23) English differs with the ______, and also with the different ______ that speakers have for English. user, uses
(25) English is used in different circumstances with different ______. (24) Learning about the differences in uses belongs to a ______ of learning---for native speakers and for users of English as an additional language. second stage (25) English is used in different circumstances with different ______. degrees of formality (26) English differs with users and use. To describe this we can use the terms ______ and ______. variation with user, variation with use
(30) ______ is usually the work of just one person for many readers. (27) The rules for written English are: sentences should be ______; every sentence must have a ______ and a ______; ______ should never be put at the end of a sentence; ______ or even ______ should never be used. complete, subject, verb, preposition, slang, informal words (28) English varies with the _____ or _____ that is spoken about or written about. topic, subject (29) In academic writing, _____ has to be consistent and even. Style (30) ______ is usually the work of just one person for many readers. Written English