How can values be expressed in multiple ways? Installment Plans Accounting Week 1 What basic math skills are necessary for success in accounting and finance? How does one determine the appropriate mathematical to use for various business situation? How can values be expressed in multiple ways? How does one calculate the total amount due for a loan or a purchase? What is Accounting? What is the Accounting Equation?
The Accounting Equation
Doesn’t have to be paid off, could still be making payments Assets Liabilities Owner’s Equity Items OWNED by a business that will provide future benefits. Probable future outflow of assets as a result of a past transaction or even. Amount by which the business assets exceed the business liabilities. Doesn’t have to be paid off, could still be making payments In other words, debts or obligations of the business that can be paid with cash, goods, or services “Net Worth” or “Capital” CASH MERCHANDISE FURNITURE FIXTURES MACHINERY BUILDINGS LAND Accounts Receivable Once the debts are paid, the remaining assets belong to the owner (Owner’s Equity). NOTES PAYABLE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE
ANALYZING BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS THREE QUESTIONS: What Happened? Which accounts are affected? How is the Accounting Equation affected?