Political Parties Notes Comprehension
Use these questions to guide your notes as we work through the Powerpoint A political party is a group of ___________ who _________________ the same views about ________________. True or False: Political parties are defined by the U.S. Constitution: ________________
Use these questions to guide your notes as we work through the Powerpoint We describe America as having a ________________ system because two political parties have dominated throughout its history. Since 1860 the _______________ party and the ______________ party have dominated American politics.
Use these questions to guide your notes as we work through the Powerpoint What do political parties do: __________________________________________________________________
Use these questions to guide your notes as we work through the Powerpoint Republican core beliefs & ideas: ______________________________________________________________
Use these questions to guide your notes as we work through the Powerpoint Republicans believe that if you lower taxes, the people will ________________________________________________________________________ Democrats core beliefs: __________________________________________________________________
Use these questions to guide your notes as we work through the Powerpoint List somethings the Democrats try to provide for the people: ________________________________________ What do “Third Parties” try to do? _________________________________________ _________________________________________
Use these questions to guide your notes as we work through the Powerpoint The ________________________ Party tries to influence policy makers to focus on the environment. The _________________________ Party want as little governmental interference as possible.
Use these questions to guide your notes as we work through the Powerpoint The _________ Party want more government welfare, such as free healthcare, and education, to help its citizens. The ______ Party want to share the wealth with the workers.