Do Now: Friday, December 15 Run-on Cornell notes (GMV) Take out your revision notes-at the end of class, put them in your writing folder Homework: complete run-on notes - agenda open to blue -top right corner of your desk (other belongings under desk) Write the questions for the Cornell notes and complete 1-3
Do Now: Friday, December 14 Open Narrative –Revised File- save as – personal narrative revision 2 Change date on narrative/essay –make the revisions and edit As you type your revisions and edit, use your red pen to complete what is necessary (see #7 and #11) Everything back in writing folder except the run- ons (GMV)
Revision of Revision Paragraph Review your topic sentence and concluding sentence, and make other necessary revisions and edits. Topic sentence should be general. Why do people revise their writing? Example T.S. After participating in the peer share and respond, I realized I must make revisions to improve coherence and to … Do NOT retype the actual revision even if you put it in quotes. Describe the revision. Are you able to be more specific with your dialogue or other revisions now? Concluding sentence: even more general. What is the point of revision? What if people did revise their writing? What is the point of making revisions?