Land Performance Analysis for the Sahel An initial investigation
PCA for Sahel- Integrated NDVI Component 1
Component 2
1984 iNDVI 1995 iNDVI
Deviation map 1984 (iNDVI84 - mean)
PCA for Sahel- maximum NDVI Component 1 Component 2
Regression trends over the time (1982 -- 1999)
A Series of Annual Local Variance Maps for iNDVI
Local Variance - Sahel 1983 1984
Local Variance 1988 1989
Local Variance 1991 1995
Local variance map 1996 1999
Anomalies of local variance (threshold 12 out of 18 years)
Intersection of local variance map & component 2
(background is map of PCA component 2) Geographic location for iNDVI time series plots 8 1 6 2 5 3 4 7 5 1 6 3 4 7 8 2 Red: negative sites Blue: positive sites (arbitrarily selected) (background is map of PCA component 2)
PCA for Madagascar- Integrated NDVI Component 1 Component 2
PCA for Madagascar- maximum NDVI Component 1 Component 2
Regression trends over the time (1982 -- 1999)
Anomalies of local variance (threshold 12 out of 18 years)