Cold War Policies
Truman’s Cold War Policies American diplomat George Kennan proposed a "containment" policy to prevent spread of communist ideology. Truman Doctrine- Marshall Plan Berlin Blockade/Airlift Formation of NATO Korean War
Eisenhower’s Foreign Policy Continues efforts to contain communism Global concerns John Foster Dulles—Secretary of State The “New Look” Policy Massive retaliation—“More bang for the buck” Brinksmanship instead of Containment Nuclear Arms Race
Eisenhower’s Foreign Policy in Action Used the CIA to change foreign governments Overthrow in Iran Overthrow of Arbenz in Guatemala Suez Canal Eisenhower Doctrine: result of the Suez Crisis Bay of Pigs (unsuccessful)
Kennedy’s Foreign Policy Develops the policy of “Flexible Response” Alliance for Progress (1961) Berlin Wall (1961)—Symbolized growing tension between US and USSR Execution of the Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) “Domestic policy can only defeat us; foreign policy can kill us.” John F. Kennedy
Impact of the Cold War at Home Anti-Communist foreign policy causes fear at home McCarren Internal Security Act Passed over Truman’s veto Communist organizations must register with the government
Anti-Communist Fears Government promotes “civil defense” “Duck and cover” drills in schools Federal Loyalty Program Reviewed “loyalty” of federal employees By 1952 200 had been dismissed and 2000 resigned Colleges and schools want to root out communist sympathizers.
The “Red” Scare HUAC Created by FDR in 1938 1947—Republicans investigate to link Democrats with subversion Film industry is investigated The Hollywood Ten
Spying and the Red Scare Alger Hiss—former State department employee who was accused of spying. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Convicted of atomic espionage Evidence is controversial Makes infiltration of communists seem real
Joseph McCarthy Republican Senator from Wisconsin 1950 speech he claimed to have a list of 250 known communists Attacked Truman and Eisenhower for allowing communists to hold government positions Never produced evidence Eisenhower remained silent on the subject Army McCarthy Hearings