DNA / Biotechnology Forum (Name of Topic) Model Power Point (Slide One)
Explanation of topic What is it? How does it work? (Slide 2) (Picture)
Application(s) of DNA / Biotechnology How is it used? For what is this technology used? (Slide 3)
Biotechnology Process What are the steps of using this technology? (Keep this simple/ brief) Bulleted list (Slide 4)
Benefits What good things result from the use of this technology? Who benefits? How do they benefit? How much do they benefit? (Slide 5)
Costs / Concerns How much does this technology cost? Who pays? What are the possible problems with using this technology? Who is negatively impacted? (Slide 6)
Current legislation What LAWS govern use of this technology? State Federal International Are these laws enforced? (Slide 7)
media center, bibliography format Incomplete bibliography = ZERO / 100 pts!! 4 electronic sources url (complete) Title of article / passage Author / editor Date visited Other sources? See fchs webpage, student resources, media center, bibliography format (slide 8)
Power Point Tips Bulleted phrases (4 - 6 words) No > 5-6 items / slide) Use > 8 slides if necessary Use Pictures often Minimize fancy stuff Keep content RELEVANT & APPROPRIATE