What are you thankful for? Today, Annual Days of Thanksgiving are celebrated in the United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Laos, Liberia, Puerto Rico, Guam, Grenada and the Virgin Islands.
Reasons Think of 6 things you are thankful for! We get the name Cerel from her name, for the Romans, Works of art depicted Ceres conventionally with a scepter, a basket of flowers and fruit and a garland made of corn ears (note that "corn" in this instance refers to wheat barley, or some other old world food grain, not to the new world food grain maize, which is called "corn" in the United States and some other areas of the Western Hemisphere). Celebrated with music, parades, games, sport, and a feast. Last 7 days The Roman thanksgiving, called Supplicatio (was a solemn thanksgiving or supplication to the gods decreed by the senate: all the temples were opened, and the statues of the gods placed in public upon couches (pulvinaria) to which the people offered up their thanksgivings and prayers) a period of adoration of gods after a great triumph (or disaster), was decreed by the Senate on special occasions. Their harvest festivals, such as the Pomonia on November 1, probably come closer to our kind of Thanksgiving. A cornucopia, or horn of plenty, long associated with abundance and with harvest, was used for this festival and is an excellent decoration for Thanksgiving, the great American harvest festival.
Gratias ago… Gratias tibi ago… What case is tibi in? So, everything you are thankful for will be in the _______ case!
Things to be Thankful for: Friend: amic ____ Female (1st), Male (2nd) Family: famili____ (1st) Sports: lud__ (2nd) Mother: matr_____ (3rd) Father: patr_____ (3rd) Dog: can_____ (3rd) Sister: soror____ (3rd) Brother: fratr_____ (3rd) Food: cib_____ (2nd) Sleep: somn_____ (2nd) Time off: oti_______ (2nd) Grandparent: av___ (2nd) Football: pedi-pilae,
Friend: amicae (F), amico (M), amicis (pl) Family: familiae Mother: matri Father: patri Dog: cani (s), canibus (pl) Sister: sorori (s), sororibus (pl) Brother: fratri, fratribus (pl) Food: cibo Sleep: somno Time off: otio Grandparent: avo (s), avis (pl) Sports: ludis Football: pedfolli Football: pedi-pilae, flowers: floribus, health: saluti, home: domo, music: musicae, animalibus: animals, god: deo