Live online presentations helping you create a culture of a fully funded ministry.
Moderator Introduction Aaron J. Babyar – SRS Managing Director
We want to flood the nations with Spiritually healthy, Vision-driven, Introduction SRS Vision We want to flood the nations with Spiritually healthy, Vision-driven, Fully funded Great Commission workers
Introduction Our Goal SRS provides solutions to help your staff overcome obstacles, maintain a God-centered perspective, and apply proven strategies to personal support raising. We want to help you create a culture of a fully funded ministry for: Recruits New Staff Veteran Staff Support raising trainers and coaches
Ongoing Benefits of the SRS Network Introduction Ongoing Benefits of the SRS Network Monthly Webinars Training for you as facilitators (SRS Conference: Oct. 20-22) Opportunity to utilize SRS Bootcamp curriculum Coming Soon: Upcoming online prep with participant progress tracking Catapult Series Past Webinar Library Audit Survey
We’re going to be at MissioNexus! Come See Us! We’re going to be at MissioNexus! Sept. 24-26 We want to meet with you! Email Kayla to set up a time.
Stop and Mark Your Calendar! SRS Network Conference — Oct. 20-22 *If you would like to certify more facilitators, there will be a public Bootcamp immediately preceding the National Conference. There will also be an SRS Certified Facilitator Training track during the conference.
Stop and Mark Your Calendar! Last Tuesday of each month 1 p.m. CST Please create a recurring event in your calendar You’ll receive an email invite monthly, please plan to ACCEPT it each time
Questions During the presentation, please submit your questions for the upcoming Q&A time
Presenter Introduction Betty Barnett – YWAM
How to Form Lifelong Relationships with Your Support Team
How do we get personal in support raising? Know your audience — Varying ages/generational preferences Varying levels of desired connection with you Jesus’ model to us, uniquely personal
God’s Key to Support Raising (& Relationships) Generosity — Our heart for them, to be a blessing to them (not just “take and run!”) “Not that I am looking for a gift, but I am looking for what may be credited to your account.” (Phil. 4:17, NIV) “…I want you to receive a reward for your kindness.” (NLT)
Generosity Expressed, Made Alive Our gifts to them Time Acknowledgements (of their support, birthdays, and other significant life junctures) Prayers for them Face-to-face time with them
Variety in Communication, Not Repetition Their preferences (Have we asked them?) Our schedule (What is realistic for us?) Most effective times of year? Out-of-the-ordinary communication (personalized Easter or Thanksgiving cards with our newsletter) Staying in their home, which can be a tremendous bonding experience (discernment is needed when/with whom it’s appropriate)
Support raising is a ministry… not simply an “add-on” Don’t Forget! Support raising is a ministry… not simply an “add-on”
In Short Lifelong relationships require lifelong commitment and nurturing, with personalized care — mutual commitment results with Kingdom benefits for all
Closing Join us next month on August 25 @1pm CST Dave Flynn Center for Mission Mobilization Veteran Support Raising Trainer Topic: How to Manage Yourself During Support and Long-Term Maintenance