What is Happening Today? Welcome Introductions Rules of our Graduate Programs Q&A Meet Other Students / Drinks and Refreshments
Goals of our Graduate Programs Provide a good education Enabling students to find a good job (after graduation) Provide a good learning environment (you, the other students, the department, UH, the city of Houston,…) Getting students involved in challenging research projects Supporting personal growths Assisting students through financial support Raising the quality of the students that are admitted into our graduate programs
Enjoy your Stay In Houston
Enjoy your Stay In Houston 2
2. Introductions Janell Pursoo (Admission,…) Amanda Vaughan (Current graduate students,…) Christoph Eick (Director of Graduate Studies) Stephen Huang (Chairman) …
3. Problems with Rules of Our Graduate Programs Not knowing the rules of “your” graduate program 3.0 GPA rules and 4C rules Academic honesty violations Not taking or not passing prerequisite courses Trying to drop courses in the last minute Not filing petitions or filing petitions late Emergency situations
4. Q&A
5. Refreshments and Socializing