____________________is the study of reptiles and amphibians Class Amphibia ____________________is the study of reptiles and amphibians
General Characteristics Amphibians: means ____________ Frogs, salamanders, newts, toads, caecilians Bilateral Symmetry (old) ______________ (cold blooded) Ecto = ____________, Thermy = ______________ Advantages? _______________________ Disadvantages? ______________________ ________________ - Four legged animals
Characteristics Con’t Semi-aquatic, Semi-terrestrial** (sort of new, analogous anyone? Live on both land and water Respiration Gills replaced by lungs This is seen in humans (sort of) in embryonic development**
Characteristics Con’t Sexual reproduction _________________(separate sexes) External & Internal Fertilization
Complex Systems **Feeding: larvae = __________________, adults = _________________. Digestive tract: mouth > esophagus > stomach > small intestines > large intestine (colon) > cloaca (getting complex!!) **Respiration: larva = skin and gills, adult = lungs and some through skin Many terrestrial salamanders = no lungs at all, through skin and mouth cavity
Circulation **Double loop system 3 chamber heart right atrium, left atrium, and ventricle Compare Single to Double Loop Circulation Single Loop: Heart --> Gills --> Body **Double Loop: Heart --> Lungs --> Heart --> Body
Single Loop 3 Chambered Heart Double Loop
Excretion Uric acid + Urea = ___________ **Flow Of Waste: Kidneys > ureters > small urinary bladder > cloaca (emptied with solid wastes)
Reproduction Females lay eggs in water, male deposits sperm over eggs Most are external, some are internal Larvae commonly called tadpoles **Metamorphism is when the tadpoles turn in to the adult frog **A few species will care for their eggs by incubating their young in their mouth, on their back, or stomach! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgROaJY6Xnk
Reproduction - Continuation Tadpoles Differences Aquatic Single Loop Gills Frogs Differences Terrestrial or Aquatic Double Loop Lungs
Response **Eyes move in socket and have a protective structure = _________________________ is a transparent membrane that covers the eye when the frog is in the water Tympanic membranes = eardrums (old) __________________________ = detect water movement (vibrations) (old)
Taxonomy Kingdom- Animalia Phylum Chordata **Subphylum Vertebrata Class Amphibia Order…
Orders Order Caudata Order Anura Order Gymnophiona
Order Caudata Caudata means “___________________” Red-back Salamander Caudata means “___________________” Salamanders and newts Spotted Newt
Have unspecialized legs – means not for different functions Caudata Con’t Regenerative!! (old) Have unspecialized legs – means not for different functions Most have internal fertilization Female walks over sperm cap and inserts it into cloaca
Order Anura ________________________ Have no tails as adults Immatures do Undergo metamorphosis “many changes”
Frog Metamorphosis
External fertilization !!Difference between a frog and a toad: Toads have dry & rough skin Frogs have moist & wet skin
Order Gymnophiona Caecilians Worm-like Have fish-like scales Limbless Burrow in the ground Hard thick bony skull Underdeveloped eyes Virtually blind Tentacle to sense prey