A new sanction in the protection of personality rights Solatium Doloris A new sanction in the protection of personality rights
New Hungarian Civil Code Renamed - replaced
Definition of solatium doloris “Any person whose rights relating to personality had been violated shall be entitled to solatium doloris for any non-material violation suffered” Novelties: new terminology new place in the structure of the Code new reference point: “non- material violation”
Conditions of solatium doloris Infringement of personality rights (exemplifying list - no change) Rules on liability are applicable - no new liability regime! Apart from the fact of the infringement no other harm has to be verified for entitlement
Previously - damages for non-pecuniary loss Evolution or creation? Previously - damages for non-pecuniary loss
Achievements of ‘former’ judicial practice (21st century) Identifying harm is the center element Enrichment of list on personality rights Easement on burden of proof: commonly known facts (selective approach)!
Functions of solatium doloris “A pinch of penal law under private law”
What are the objectives? Compensation (damages) Solace for loss of enjoyment of life (California - wide frames) Private law punishment (?!?) Satisfaction
Punitive damages in the United States Great risk potential Reckless and wanton conduct ‘Make it hurt!’ Exceptional and limited State Farm v. BMW (9:1) Baker v. Exxon (1:1)
Sorting out petty claims Automatic or selective practice?
Varieties on one theme Small amounts - time factor + “man of principles” 0 HUF (???) - monetary sanction “Seriousness requirement” clause and its filters (objective, subjective) Grade of ‘fault’ (entitlement?) - USA
Amounts Pricing the invisible
Circumstances can (shall) be taken into account Gravity of the infringement (behavior + accidental harm) Degree of responsibility (Penal Code definitions!) Impact on the aggrieved party and his environment (including claims of ‘relatives’?) It was committed on one or more occasions (???)
Linking causation tight Secondary victims Linking causation tight
Primary and secondary victims Opportunity for opening - identifying personality right is essential Blood, kinship, legal connection Emotional link (UK)
Transferable practice? Prognosis Transferable practice?
Expected effects of solatium doloris Increased number of claims ‘Fine tuning’ in judicial practice Integration of ‘soft’ personality rights - protection of privacy Probably unchanged amounts: infringements against bodily integrity and health Loss of ‘privilege to pay in installments’: one sum
Thanks for your attention! Dr. Tamás Fézer, PhD Associate Professor of Law University of Debrecen Faculty of Law fezer.tamas@law.unideb.hu