Elements of Fiction Trudy Proctor March 18, 2003
Elements of Fiction Setting Characters Point of View Theme Conflict Plot
Setting Time Place Culture When the story takes place Where the story takes place Culture Customs, values, and beliefs of the period
Characters All the actors in the story Protagonist Central or main character Antagonist Person or force against the protagonist
Theme Main message of the story Explicit Implied Stated in the story Suggested by events in the story Must be interpreted by the reader May vary
Point of View First-person: Narrator is a character. Reader sees everything through the eyes of that character. Third-person: Narrator is not in the story. Limited omniscient: Reader knows thoughts of one person. Omniscient: Reader knows thoughts of several characters.
Conflict Struggle between forces External – struggle between a character and an outside force Man against man Man against nature Man against society Internal – struggle within a character’s mind
Plot Exposition Rising action Climax Falling action Resolution Background of characters and setting Rising action Develops the conflict Climax Point of highest interest, conflict, or suspense Falling action Events following the climax Resolution Final outcome
REVIEW Can you define the elements of fiction? Setting Characters Theme Point of View Conflict Plot A+
Bibliography Glencoe Literature The Reader’s Choice. Glencoe McGraw-Hill. New York, New York. 2000. Click here to return to home page.