Please take out your ipad and put all other materials away. Science Benchmark Please take out your ipad and put all other materials away.
Go to Canvas and click on Benchmark (Fall) Go to bit Go to Canvas and click on Benchmark (Fall) Go to (SAUSD in all CAPS)
Click on Sign In
1)Fill in the boxes with your First and Last Name 2)Your password is your 8 digit birthday. 3) Click on I am a Student 4) Click Sign up for ngss- assessment Portal!
Enter our class word: Flores_ (your period number) Press Sign up
Take a screenshot of the confirmation page.
Go back to the home screen and log in using your new username and the password you created. Press Log In
Click on Run by Myself
Click on Begin Activity
Thank you for taking the SAUSD Benchmark Start the assessment. It automatically is saved, so you do not need to worry about pressing any other buttons. Simply exit out of the website when you are finished. Thank you for taking the SAUSD Benchmark