Welcome 3rd graders and families!
Get Ready for an exciting new adventure!
Important Things to Know Tonight: The only paper I need now is the yellow paper on top of your parent packet. It tells me how your child will be going home! Return the rest Monday.
Tonight: Please send me your email address by scanning the QR code on the envelope using your smartphone or write it on the student information sheet. I try to send “Happy Notes" and would love for you to receive one!
Daily: If you write a note, please put it in the very front of your child’s Panther Pages and remind your child to show it to me!
Mondays: Your child will have a graded work folder most Mondays Mondays: Your child will have a graded work folder most Mondays. Keep the work, sign the folder, and return it on Tuesday. This will be my main communication with you throughout the year.
Homework Reading: Read 1-2 chapters each night. Complete one task for each week. Turn in on Fridays but continue for three weeks. See third grade website for more information.
Homework Spelling, Math, and Writing: Tic-tac-toe format Complete one assignment for each subject. Turn in on Fridays.
Conduct/Behavior Sheet: Please sign up for Class Dojo to receive specific notes about your child’s behavior each week. Information on how to sign up coming soon!
Information about Remind 101 will be in your child’s Panther Pages. It is a free text message service that allows me to send you quick updates!
Contact Information Conference Time: 8:40-9:30 Email: vcombs@ems-isd.net Phone: 817-232-1342