Environmental Linked Features Interoperability Experiment OGC ELFIE Environmental Linked Features Interoperability Experiment
Context Data from sensors becoming ubiquitous (IoT), defined as ‚spatial data‘ (see COM(2017) 9) Diverse thematic data models being developed, but no common approach as to interlinkage between observational data and domain features OGC Metadata (CSW, WFS & SOS Capabilities) not indexed by standard search engines reduces uptake Relationships to domain features (i.e. rivers, aquifers, or soils) relevant for data discovery and use (in addition to location) Linked Data approach requires standardisation of such relationships for cross system sharing
Real World Requirements Agriculture: Access values from different stations (soil moisture, soil temp, water level in aquifer and related river) to know when to irrigate crops Emergency Response: Access values from different stations (groundwater level, river gauges, precipitation) to understand and predict flooding patterns
Real World Requirements Drought: Feed HydroGeoUnit with groundwater level, river gauges, precipitation to predict drought situations WaterQuality: Describe link between ground / surfacewater (including watersheds) with their respective monitoring information to understand impacts
Environmental Linked Features Interoperability Experiment (ELFIE) Objectives: Demonstrate integration of environmental observation data with domain features (ReSTful and Linked Data principles) Prepare OGC engineering report on interlinkages identified between observation data and domain features Provide draft linked data encodings to relevant standards working groups
ELFIE Methodology Define specific technical criteria to test hypothesis Refine use cases and select source data Select and/or draft linked data encodings to be used Encode documents for each use case Evaluate documents against predefined criteria Write engineering report
ELFIE Use Cases River Monitoring and Flooding Irrigation Ground Water / Surface Water Impacts Hydrologic Drought Water Quality ?Air Quality?
ELFIE Use Case Example Hydrologic Drought HydrogeoUnit models Linked Data Document Groundwater Level Query WaterBody Level Precipitation
ELFIE View approach Rest operations or graph views Default encoding will be JSON-LD Draft predicates to be provided in responses: Basic URI rdfs:type, rdfs:label Preview rdfs:comment, dcterms:creator, geo:hasGeometry, … Network Net-basic Net-temporal Net-spatial skos:related, … time:after, time:intervalDuring… geo:sfIntersects, …
INSPIRE Relevance Links from Domain Features to Observations EF: EMF hasObservation OF/SR: PointObservationCollection; MarineContour sourceObservations SD: SpeciesDistributionUnit observations AC/MF: Purely Observations AQD: Air quality attainment/exceedance Links from Observations to Domain Features D2.9 defines linking to monitoring facility / network Further relevant Domain Features GE : (especially for hydrogeology) and AM (Area Management), HY (we’ll expose EF monitoring rivers)
Schedule May 2017 - Formal kickoff after 30-day participant notification period June 2017 - Use Cases Finalized, face to face at HDWG and Summer TC September 2017 - Evaluation complete, demonstration at fall TC December 2017 - IE complete, final document submitted
Participate! Provide (input) for Use Cases, Data Models, Data Assure INSPIRE requirements met Only few EU representatives! David Blodgett: dblodgett@usgs.gov Grellet Sylvain: S.Grellet@brgm.fr Kathi Schleidt: kathi@datacove.eu
Links http://www.opengeospatial.org/projects/initiatives/elfie http://www.opengeospatial.org/pressroom/pressreleases/2592 https://github.com/opengeospatial/ELFIE