Thursday, March 15th 2nd Grade China Presentation Feb. 26th -Mar.2nd REMINDERS: Community Central Password: THINKBIG1718 Auction Items Needed — The annual Gala is March 17, and we need a variety of donations for the silent and live auctions. Parent Conferences March 23rd-24th This week in 2nd Grade… We had a fabulous week filled with our studies of China! Our field trip to Chinatown was amazing. We enjoyed a walking tour, took time to visit a temple and a grocery store, explored the sights in Central Plaza, and ended with a delicious meal at the Ocean Seafood restaurant. Ask your child what new food they tried! During writing workshop, we wrote postcards from China incorporating facts we have learned from our studies. In social studies, we added more detail to our relief maps and put the final touches on our research reports. We have also been busy preparing for our performance and presentation next week. In math, we created line plots to show the data we collected measuring how far we jumped. We also filled in a frequency table using tally marks. We introduced our new Virtue and Value, Perseverance, and Read The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires. We ended the week with a fun tangram STEM project, celebrated March birthdays, and of course our Friday dance party. Important Dates Thursday, March 15th 2nd Grade China Presentation Next week in 2nd Grade… We will culminate our China unit, on Thursday at 9:15 AM., with a drama and art presentation. We will begin a new math unit on geometry and arrays. In Reading and Writing Workshop, we will wrap up our informational unit.