State of play of PA and OP negotiations ESF Technical Working Group Athens, 18 June 2014
Overview of the presentation I. State of play : some statistics II. Key issues emerging from the negotiations remain unchanged
I. State of play: some statistics - PA ALL Partnership Agreements formally submitted 4 PAs adopted by the Commission: DK, DE, PL, EL Adoption of observations on PA by Commission: 13 MS : PL, LV, LT, SK, FR, EE, FI, HU, NL, PT, RO, MT, BG Consolidation outcome ISC: remaining MS PAs which could be adopted shortly: SK, LV, LT, EE, CY, FI
I. State of play: some statistics – OPs (1)(11/06/14) Total number of OPs supported by the ESF: 187 (2007-2013: 117) 100 mono-fund OPs, including 2 dedicated YEI Ops (FR and IT) 87 multi-fund OPs Total number of ESF supported OPs formally submitted to Commission: 96 BG (3), DE (16), DK (1), EE (1), FI (2), FR (32), HU (5), PL (17), PT (10), SE (1), SI (1), SK (2), UK (2), LT (1), LV (1), NL (1)
I. State of play: some statistics – OPs (2) (11/06/14) Number of ESF supported OPs adopted: 1 (FR YEI OP) Number of OPs for which Commission observations have been adopted: 4 (LT, LV, NL, PL)
I. State of play: some financial data on the basis of PA ESF share = € 85.4 billion = 24.5 % (roughly € 5.1 billion above ESF minimum share) ESF and selected thematic objectives (% of ESF allocation) TO 8: employment: 36% TO 9: social inclusion: 24% TO 10 education: 31% TO 11: ACB: 4% TA: 5%
II. Key issues remain unchanged (2) Consistency with relevant CSRs and how to translate CSRs into investment priorities Need to get the programming right from the start Selection of corresponding investment priority: focus, adequate monitoring, commitment, performance framework, ex ante conditionality Regional OPs also to adequately support relevant CSRs Clear intervention logic, definition of specific objectives and result orientation
II. Key issues remain unchanged(2) Selection of thematic objectives and investment priorities Social inclusion: 20% : OK – active <-> passive measures Youth Employment Initiative: limited info on how YEI will be delivered and support the implementation of the Youth Guarantee Roma: specific actions and mainstreaming Public Administration Reform: lack of commitment ? Programming architecture Increasing number of regional OPs: need for strong coordination mechanisms between programmes and Funds; risk of loss of effectiveness; ESF becomes instrument to support ERDF; Systematic use of cross-financing